22 Stupid Things Candidates Put In Their Resumes That Got Them Rejected
Writing an impressive resume that summarises your skills and achievements can cause anyone to feel immensely pressured. It’s difficult to sell yourself without coming off as boasting while giving a stranger the chance to understand you through a couple of pages of facts about yourself. No wonder many are prone to embellishments that might make their resume stand out from the rest.
While most lean towards adding a language skill they don’t possess or sell themselves as an expert in obscure software, some others go even more overboard with their attempts. Scroll below for a hilarious collection of unbelievable resumes received by recruiters that are at worst face-palm worthy and at best a hilarious piece of entertainment.
#1 There Was An Attempt To Write A Resume
Image source: JoeBaggoDonuts
#2 Maybe The Worst Resume I Have Received
Image source: FilecakeAbroad
#3 Wife’s Employer Received This Resume For A Position. He Got An Interview Because The Manager Couldn’t Stop Laughing
Image source: CompasslessPigeon
#4 Someone Sent Me A Picture Of This Resume. Hire This Man Now
Image source: s0n-
#5 Received An Application Today. Here Is The “Resume” That Was With It
Image source: Blakedigital
#6 Attached This Instead Of A Resume
Image source: Dani_Daniela
#7 Why Am I Getting Such An Influx Of People That Act Like This Is Not A Professional Job? Yes, You Need A Resume, And Sorry We Don’t “Hold Dogs Down”
Image source: houndhandler3
#8 Read This On An Applicant’s Resume
Image source: mmutk
#9 Someone Sent Their Resume And…
Image source: HelloMyFriendloll
#10 A Resume My Wife Received This Week
Image source: Firmteacher
“Faith, m
Resume- was working at a trucking company, just got fired for insubordination: not true. looking for upright employer.”
#11 My Dad Asked For Help Sending His Resume Online And Handed Me This
Image source: Felch97
#12 A CV Emailed To The Recruitment Agency I Work For. This Is The Entire Resume And The Blue Is Where His Name Was
Image source: Nightwingvyse
#13 This Resume Was Almost Perfect Until
Image source: marabou22
#14 Someone Sent A Resume With Their Duolingo Streak Under “Languages”
Image source: SamuraiCorb1517
#15 I Dunno If This Guy Was Trolling, But We Received This Resume A While Ago
Image source: supermarketgangbang
#16 A CV That Was Handed To Me In Work Recently That I Had To Get A Picture Of Before I Passed It On To The Manager
Image source: Tex_
#17 Resume That Was Dropped Today And Impressed My Manager So He Decided To Call Him For An Interview
Image source: je-suis-pauvre
#18 I’ll Do Anything For Work, But I Won’t Do That
Image source: yuri__bot
#19 Receiving Resumes During A Pandemic
Image source: with-an-i
#20 Some Guy Dropped This Resume Off At My Family’s Restaurant Today
Image source: DrSpy
#21 Someone Dropped Off Their Resume Where I Work, I Feel Like I Should Call Them And Let Them Know
Image source: dropper54
#22 One Of My Recruiters Just Received This Resume This Morning
Image source: joeswo214
Got wisdom to pour?
On the Internet you can really find a lot of useful information on how to write a resume correctly, it’s a shame that people still make such mistakes to this day. This article https://www.gotresumebuilder.com/faq/what-should-i-include-in-the-hobbies-and-interests-section-of-my-resume helped me a lot at the time.
Crafting a compelling resume can indeed feel like walking a tightrope between showcasing your skills and avoiding the trap of sounding overly boastful. It’s essential to strike the right balance, highlighting your achievements while maintaining authenticity. Remember, honesty is key, and focusing on concrete examples of your skills and accomplishments can make your resume stand out for all the right reasons.
Working from home, I earn $165 per hour. When my neighbor told me she was now making an average of $95, I was very astonished, but now (ubd-83) I understand how it works. I now have a great deal of freedom thanks to becoming my own employer.
I carry out the action—————————————>>> https://xurl.es/67a4a
Crafting a compelling resume can indeed feel like walking a tightrope between showcasing your skills and avoiding the trap of sounding overly boastful. It’s essential to strike the right balance, highlighting your achievements while maintaining authenticity. Remember, honesty is key, and focusing on concrete examples of your skills and accomplishments can make your resume stand out for all the right reasons.