25 Honest And Raw Parenting Moments In Comic Form, By Yehuda And Maya Devir
Parenting is an exhilarating journey filled with joy, challenges, and countless unpredictable moments. Yehuda and Maya Devir, a talented couple and the creative minds behind the popular webcomic “One of Those Days,” have captured the essence of parenthood in a refreshingly honest and humorous way.
Through their witty illustrations, the Devirs bring to life the daily adventures, struggles, and heartwarming moments of raising children. Let’s delve into some of their most candid and raw parenting moments portrayed in comic form.
#1 It’s Your Turn
Image source: jude_devir
Colt Winkler : “uh oh”
#2 Tea Party
Image source: jude_devir
LokisLilButterknife : “I love how the mum’s thighs are all smooshed trying to sit in the child sized chair.”
#3 That Time Of The Month
Image source: jude_devir
Some Weirdo : “This is a completely accurate representation.”
Your Local Weeb : “This, is me and my friends, and I’m the girl”
#4 Permanent
Image source: jude_devir
Legen ( wait for it ) dary : “Unicorn is next.”
#5 Home Sweet Home
Image source: jude_devir
Temporary Dork : “Love the little unicorn in many of these.”
Tiny Dancer : “Took me a few to get it, but the little unicorn and the adorable mini Hulk are the boy’s toys. Now I check what they’re up to in every panel. Love seeing how this comic has matured with the family over the years.”
#6 The Mask
Image source: jude_devir
#7 Happy Anniversary!
Image source: jude_devir
Kevin the Manager : “Is that “Smelly Cat” ice cream? LOL!”
#8 The Walking Dad
Image source: jude_devir
U_dontwanttoknowme : “MILF OOTD!! 😂😂”
LokisLilButterknife : “Hah hah, just noticed the creepy “Red light, green light” doll from Squid Game by the broom.”
#9 They Grow Up So Fast!
Image source: jude_devir
Mimi La Souris : “the first time my niece didn’t want to hold my hand when I picked her up after school 💥💔”
#10 I Got You Covered
Image source: jude_devir
Mimi La Souris : “that’s what I love about these comics, it’s always so tender :) <3”
#11 Quiet
Image source: jude_devir
Legen ( wait for it ) dary : “If they would have a dog and a cat she would me hearing a all sinfonia with au au, au and miau, miau.”
#12 Mine
Image source: jude_devir
MotherRobinson : “Guilty!”
#13 A New Beginning
Image source: jude_devir
Chilli : “Awwwwwwwww”
#14 I Can Do It On My Own!
Image source: jude_devir
Some Weirdo : “The kid with the ants is so accurate”
#15 Scissoring
Image source: jude_devir
#16 Handyman
Image source: jude_devir
Tabitha : “I have to say, whenever my husband does repairs, puts stuff together, cooks, and cleans up around the house, which is a pretty even split between the two of us, it always gets my heart fluttering for him.”
#17 Potty Training
Image source: jude_devir
#18 Happy Birthday, Mommy!
Image source: jude_devir
sabda niaga : “Awww so sweet 🥰”
BaileeRyce : “THIS is what it is all about :-)”
#19 Deliver Us!
Image source: jude_devir
Legen ( wait for it ) dary : “The secret is to put some on the wall and keep the rest in a folder with name, age and a small explanation to the kid interpretation. 1 kid still didn’t change his perception and the other kid ask what da f*** he was painting. And the explanation/interpretation make him laugh a lot.”
#20 I’m 4 Mother Father!!!
Image source: jude_devir
#21 Size Does Matter!
Image source: jude_devir
LokisLilButterknife : “There’s always that one guy at the gym who is attempting to lift way mote than he should and is straining so hard that I swear they’re going to have a stroke.”
#22 It’s Time
Image source: jude_devir
sabda niaga : “My husband with our first son lol the memories”
#23 No…no…no…no…no
Image source: jude_devir
Joshua Moore : “Every single time lol. I swear my gf took 10 pictures of us this past weekend for our one year anniversary and there was only one that was bad because it was blurry. We were smiling and looking at the camera in the others. 😂😜🤷♂️”
#24 Happy Ending
Image source: jude_devir
Auntriarch : “Well at least he’s on the right side. My husband appears to have trouble telling back from front…”
#25 Vacation
Image source: Yehuda Devir
QueenKittyCat : “What is happening? Why aren’t they burning and turning into boils in their entirety? Skin that should be burning isn’t. Was sunblock only applied there vs everywhere?”
Brazen : “I think they are only burnt where they didn’t have clothes covering their body. Even their ring lines are a different color than the rest of their hands.”
Got wisdom to pour?