20 Of The Funniest Reactions And Memes To The Hilarious Facebook Feed Glitch
Although social media websites operate smoothly most of the time, sometimes get they get glitches and hacks too. This Wednesday morning, a really weird thing happened on Facebook. Some users reported a strange glitch in which they were seeing posts by random people on celebrity pages.
As the Facebook feed was confusing people, they immediately went to Twitter to see if others were facing the same problem too. And judging from numerous funny reactions and memes, many folks shared that their Facebook was down. Scroll below to see some of the most hilarious tweets and memes regarding the recent Facebook glitch.
More info: Twitter
Image source: Anilkumarkhatu1
Image source: snefnyjenkins
Image source: chrismearle
Image source: CertifiedTwiter
Image source: HarrFunMaula
Image source: gyarugoyle
Image source: TanookiSage
Image source: iamwal33d
Image source: OnlyPolkadot
Image source: imsourcharlie
Image source: zubewrites
Image source: muvilais
Image source: backhandology_
Image source: Daredevilscurse
Image source: KhiryShank
Image source: MattNavarra
Image source: Nexus_search
Image source: SkyBotFilm
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