This Dude Creates Funny Signs To Protest Against Annoying Everyday Things (21 Pics)

Published 5 years ago

Have you ever gotten so fed up with everyday annoyances you almost made a sign and went out to protest? Well, this dude did it so you wouldn’t have to.

One New Yorker named Seth creates hilarious protest signs that perfectly capture what all of us are thinking. He uploads his one-man protests to his Instagram account called “Dude With Sign” and people just can’t get enough. He only started protesting at the beginning of October but has already managed to gather over a million followers – see Seth’s funny protest signs in the gallery below!

More info: Instagram | Twitter

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#1 Halloween And Thanksgiving Come First

Image source: dudewithsign

#2 Stop Standing Up When The Plane Lands

Image source: dudewithsign

#3 Put More Chips In The Bag

Image source: dudewithsign

#4 There Should Be Snow Days For Work

Image source: dudewithsign

#5 Charging $15 For A Bowl Of Lettuce Should Be Illegal

Image source: dudewithsign

#6 Daylight Savings Makes No [friggin] Sense

Image source: dudewithsign

#7 Yes Netflix, I Am Still Watching

Image source: dudewithsign

#8 Stop Posting Entire Concerts On Your Story

Image source: dudewithsign

#9 Yes, Grandma I’m Still Single

Image source: dudewithsign

#10 Stop Replying-All To Company Wide Emails

Image source: dudewithsign

#11 Saying “I Could Care Less” Doesn’t Make Any Sense

Image source: dudewithsign

#12 Stop Using Group Pics For Your Dating Profile

Image source: dudewithsign

#13 Guac Should Be Free

Image source: dudewithsign

#14 Nobody Cares About Your Spotify

Image source: dudewithsign

#15 No More Streaming Service Pls

Image source: dudewithsign

#16 Names Are Not That Hard To Spell

Image source: dudewithsign

#17 Stop Sending Me Memes From Private Accounts

Image source: dudewithsign

#18 Why Does It Feel Like Mercury Is Always In Retrograde?

Image source: dudewithsign

#19 Seinfield Is Way Better Than Friends

Image source: dudewithsign

#20 Just Drop The [friggin] Album Kanye

Image source: dudewithsign

#21 Sell White Claw On Tap

Image source: dudewithsign

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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amusing protest signs, Dude With Sign, dude with sign protests random things, first world problems, funny protest, funny sign, hilarious protest sign, millennial problems, protest, protesting, protests random things, Seth, truth bombs, witty protest signs