Anonymous Vigilante Fights Crappy Drivers With Clever Parking Notes
People who can’t park are responsible for many frustrating mornings in our office. We, the decent parkers, are left puzzled by the question: why can’t they just do it like everybody else…? The very same ignorance gave birth to the unnamed vigilante, who decided to fix it with a clever windshield note idea.
“I am giving you this dog, his name is Spot. I thought you might want him,” – he begins. But then the message takes a sudden plot twist: “…as you seem to be trying to take as many spots as possible. I hope this helps.”
Here’s a printable version for you guys to start your personal vendetta against bad drivers.
More info: imgur.com (h/t: boredpanda)
Here’s a printable version for you to download.
10 more comebacks to the awful drivers:
Image source: John Pozadzides
Image source: Anonymous
Image source: mattythedog
Image source: Jedrico
Image source: SlainVeteran
Image source: damon7620
Image source: Anovan
Image source: PossiblyDrunkIrishman
Image source: TheCircusOfValues
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