30 Parents Tweeted Their Funny Experiences With Kids

Published 2 years ago

Being a parent is a job that keeps you on your toes 24/7 and teaches you lots of things about patience and understanding. Taking care of kids is a huge responsibility, but it comes with its own perks and fun.

Parents never really know what their kids will say or do next, so they must be prepared for everything from random dramatic outbursts to sudden philosophical insights. Some parents shared their funniest interactions with their children on Twitter, scroll below to read them.

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Image source: MommyCocktail


Image source: momsense_ensues


Image source: mummabryan


Image source: IHideFromMyKids


Image source: BunAndLeggings


Image source: BunAndLeggings


Image source: KristenBott


Image source: MumInBits


Image source: morninggloria


Image source: threetimedaddy


Image source: KatieDeal99


Image source: HomeWithPeanut


Image source: Dad_At_Law


Image source: BunAndLeggings


Image source: threetimedaddy


Image source: Lottie_Poppie


Image source: deloisivete


Image source: ElyKreimendahl


Image source: copymama


Image source: sarcasticmommy4


Image source: SatiricalMommy


Image source: mom_needsalife


Image source: HollyBallantine


Image source: ej11lizzie


Image source: mom_tho


Image source: dadmann_walking


Image source: TheCatWhisprer


Image source: emrandallwrites


Image source: momsense_ensues


Image source: mom_tho

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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funny tweets, parenting, parenting memes, parenting tweets, parenting tweets August, parents on Twitter