30 Funniest Posts Found On X By Parents With A Great Sense Of Humour
Raising kids is not an easy feat, though it does have its rewarding moments. But to enjoy the highs, you need to appreciate the lows.
According to what these mums and dads have figured out, the best way to do that is by adopting a great sense of humour. So scroll below for this month’s issue of the funniest parenting posts shared on X and as usual they do not disappoint.
Image source: NewMomFriend
Steph: 😂❤️ I‘ll chose that over any diamond ring! This is a gift of pure love! 😉👍🏻
Image source: reallifemommy3
Image source: raoulvilla
Image source: kristabellerina
Image source: nikalamity
Steph: She will be your best friend if she‘ll take your kids along! 😂👍🏻
Image source: KatieDeal99
Image source: oneawkwardmom
Taryn Bailey: And carrying the car seat, with the baby in it, and a dozen bags of groceries up the stairs as well.
Image source: IHideFromMyKids
Steph: Oh gosh! That’s me years ago – and still now, except not the kids anymore, but with the dogs instead 😉
Image source: itssherifield
Steph: Oh gosh! My sister has two pair of twins – that alone is a nightmare for me, and I‘m just the aunt. Can only have the slightest guess, what you are going through! Stay strong! Have a Martini or whatever is legal where you live! 🙏🏻👍🏻😂
Image source: IHideFromMyKids
The bi turtle chef (she/her): Just ask her that you actually never put her name in your phone, and then ask her to spell it for you
Image source: TheMomHack
Steph: Invisible mosquito! It‘s you kid‘s imaginary friend! 😂😉👍🏻🙈
Image source: KatieDeal99
Image source: UncleDuke1969
David A Paterson: Wicked!
Image source: milifeasdad
Feathered Dinosaur: They nailed it 👌
Image source: itssherifield
Feathered Dinosaur: And you spot a bad parent by them being unimpressed and dismissive of everything their kids do
Image source: reallifemommy3
Feathered Dinosaur: That’s why I watched so much ‘Murder she Wrote’ and ‘Quincy’ as a child
Image source: TheMomHack
Rivers of Belief: No filters at all ever!!!
Image source: reallifemommy3
Image source: KatieDeal99
Steph: She is so very wise already for her age! 👍🏻
Image source: IHideFromMyKids
Stinky: Agree with this – noone HAS to hug anyone unless they wish to do so.
Image source: dadmann_walking
David A Paterson: That’s something that needs to be relearned several times in life. But 8 years old is too young.
Image source: TheMomHack
Image source: deloisivete
Image source: reallifemommy3
Mbfsc63: 🎵 It’s that most wonderful time of the year🎶
Image source: oneawkwardmom
Feathered Dinosaur: That’s my mom when we go shopping. And yes, I’m a grown a*s woman with her own kid and it is a bit annoying
Image source: kristabellerina
Hakunamawhatnow: My 5 year old son: I hate girls, except you. And then: cause youre not a girl.
Image source: IHideFromMyKids
David A Paterson: LOL. 43.
Image source: kristabellerina
Image source: marvelousmrsmom
Image source: reallifemommy3
Chris Cristo: IF
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