35 Funny And Weird Photos From The “Out Of Context 2.0” Facebook Page

Published 10 months ago

In the vast landscape of social media, there’s a corner of Facebook that has taken the art of sharing bizarre and out-of-context images to a whole new level. “Out Of Context 2.0,” a Facebook page dedicated to sharing weird and puzzling photos, has become a hub for those seeking a daily dose of the strange and unusual.

With over a million followers and counting, this online community has embraced the surreal, the unexpected, and the downright absurd. Let’s delve into some of their most bizarre posts.

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Image source: Out Of Context 2.0

Robert Beveridge : “That’s what you get when you hire dribblers instead of bouncers”


Image source: Out Of Context 2.0

Widdershins66 : “A plasma ball!”

Suck it Trebek : “Aww…don’t make fun of women losing their hair. Its traumatic and not in any way socially acceptable like it is for men.”

Tabitha : “Well, she did say she wanted to get some more lift in her hair. Is that handrail full of static electricity or something? You know, like that thing at the science museum.”


Image source: Out Of Context 2.0

Widdershins66 : “Move along, nothing to see here…”

RosenCranzLives : “This is why we put a sock on the door handle, Karen.”


Image source: Out Of Context 2.0

Der Kommissar : “And then, Andrea farts with me”


Image source: Out Of Context 2.0

Gustav Gallifrey : “Viking funerals aren’t what they used to be.”


Image source: Out Of Context 2.0

#1 Candevil Fan : “The rogue gang is summoning Tigerstar back from the dark forest”

Momten Jillian : “You’re about to wish you hadn’t forgot the treats at the store RUN”


Image source: Out Of Context 2.0

Couragetcd : “It’s about time someone gave the kid in red some training”


Image source: Out Of Context 2.0

Pedantic Panda : “I’ve never been to Taco Bell but I guess someone is going to mention it here.”


Image source: Out Of Context 2.0

Multa Nocte : “The Mighty Boosh! It’s Old Greg!!!!!!!!!”


Image source: Out Of Context 2.0

A Wild Bean (they/them/any) : “Yeah, same.”

Eldritch_catt0 : “I find it so funny when adults expect kids to like school. Like, no, bro, I don’t yearn for knowledge, I yearn for playground and cartoons.”

A_UserHere : “honestly humans and mostly children are naturally inclined to learn, so if a place specifically dedicated to learning is being rejected by the naturally curious, then isn’t it safe to assume that something is wrong?”


Image source: Out Of Context 2.0

Biljana Malesevic : “She has the right to be on the beach too.”

Id row : “That looks like a nice beach to walk barefoot on and feel the rocks between your toes.”


Image source: Out Of Context 2.0

Lyone Fein : “So many soccer players fake injuries on the field in order to foul the other side.”

Corvus : “Adding insult to injury.”


Image source: Out Of Context 2.0

A Wild Bean (they/them/any) : “How the turns have tabled”


Image source: Out Of Context 2.0

Gustav Gallifrey : “It’s the soup of the day, every day.”

jevais : “Why my mother gave us only vegetables soups? Long live Tequila soup at least once a week!”


Image source: Out Of Context 2.0

Widdershins66 : “David, deep in thought (yet again)!”


Image source: Out Of Context 2.0

Dane : “Santa looks like he just got put on the naughty list!”

It’s not even Halloween yet!! Oh wait…


Image source: Out Of Context 2.0

Gustav Gallifrey : “The surprise was that none of the orchestra noticed any difference.”

Donkey boi : “What I would give to hear this piece!”


Image source: Out Of Context 2.0

adnap derob : “Georgie is just as scary as Pennywise 😳 imo”


Image source: Out Of Context 2.0

Widdershins66 : “And yet the fence runs out…”

ColdSteelRonin : “She’s loading apples into the stroller, look in the bottom basket”


Image source: Out Of Context 2.0

VioletHunter : “So proud of himself. Wonder if his family helped him.”

TheGoodBoi :  “All done boss! :D”


Image source: Out Of Context 2.0

Multa Nocte : “Everyone loves a capybara.”

Widdershins66 : “A little to the left! Oooooo you got it! 😜”


Image source: Out Of Context 2.0

Widdershins66 : “No “walkies” then?”


Image source: Out Of Context 2.0

daniel r weir : “damnit. someones always gotta spoil my fun.”


Image source: Out Of Context 2.0

Bear Hall : “During the last transit something went wrong with the dimension portal.”


Image source: Out Of Context 2.0

Widdershins66 : “Brilliant, 👏👏👏”

daniel r weir : “talk about playing with your food.”


Image source: Out Of Context 2.0

jjdubs W : “My friends in high school did that to an entire classroom. Teacher was muttering for days.”


Image source: Out Of Context 2.0

A Wild Bean (they/them/any) : “now THAT’s a well-timed photo”


Image source: Out Of Context 2.0

Sum Guy : “You can’t tell if its a Japanese game show, commercial or even the news. there is no way to tell”


Image source: Out Of Context 2.0

Donkey boi : “Been there many times before. But with donkeys.”


Image source: Out Of Context 2.0


Image source: Out Of Context 2.0


Image source: Out Of Context 2.0


Image source: Out Of Context 2.0


Image source: Out Of Context 2.0


Image source: Out Of Context 2.0

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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funny, funny no context pics, no context photos, out of context, Out Of Context 2.0, out of context pics