20 Funny Names People Called Various Objects When They Didn’t Remember What It Was Actually Called
Have you ever struggled with finding a word for a simple thing? It happens sometimes that you know what the thing is but suddenly the word representing that thing just becomes invisible in your mind dictionary.
When it happens, people usually try to remember the word or try to explain it with other sentences. Some people even come up with new words that turn out to be hilarious sometimes.
Someone asked a question on r/AskReddit, “What’s the funniest name you’ve heard someone call an object when they couldn’t remember its actual name?” People shared some interesting and hilarious names for common things. Scroll below to read some of them.
More info: Reddit
Image source: Khoasama, Timothy Dykes
“A polish exchange student was thirsty after a nightout and didn’t know what to say. He pointed to his mouth and said Sahara.”
Image source: whatisfishbeef, Evan Kilgore
“I know a german who learned english in wales, its the most amazing cluster f**k of accents.
Anyway, a dog ran off with his gloves and he chased after it shouting, ‘come back with my hand shoes!'”
Image source: Mushylump, Ivan Botha
“Boyfriend’s mother once referred to a peacock as a disco chicken.”
Couldn’t remember groomsmen, went with dudesmaids instead.
Image source: SuperBrentendo64
Image source: fearlessnightlight, sugarfrizz
“I once referred to a flyswatter as a “bug spatula” when the name escaped me.”
Image source: fatbabyotters_, freestocks
“Breakfast soup. (The word he was looking for was cereal.)”
Image source: anon, Nathan Dumlao
“Yesterday, I forgot what the shade is, and it was really hot outside so I told my friend “lets chill at the dark place””
I couldn’t remember “oven mitt” so I called it “heat gauntlet.” I really like the word gauntlet.
Image source: anon
Image source: anon, Tuomas Puikkonen
“I forgot the word for ‘exterminator’ so I used ‘ant exorcist’ instead.”
Image source: HungryParr0t, olfgang Hasselmann
“My friend couldn’t remember the word “cow” for some reason, so she googled “moo beast” to remember.”
Image source: starshock990, James Yarema
“To this day most of my family refers to a strainer/colander as a “noodle stay, water go” because my older brother called it that once when he couldn’t find it and needed to ask where it was.”
Image source: MetalHead310, Yvette de Wit’
“Back in 90s I was 14 and begging my mom to let me go to a Guns n Roses concert..
I kept nagging until she got frustrated but couldnt remember the band name and said:
I couldnt stop laughing.”
My ex called an animal shelter a ‘cat refugee camp’, I couldn’t f*****g breathe
Image source: Drivenhydra
Image source: jhra, krahmee bretana
“Couple weeks ago I was getting a pack of darts, needed some change for parking meters. As the girl is getting my change out I was panicked, what is it called? My mind blank all I could get out of my dumb maw was “can I have my change in metal money?”. In my 30s and the word coin apparently got replaced by some dumb s**t I likely read here.”
Image source: EduardLaser, Norman Tsui
“Christmas Llama instead of reindeer.”
“My boyfriend thought it was clever when I asked what the right word was for “an angry parade”.
….a protest.”
Image source: BeastModePwn
Image source: Knerdian, Mario015 Medeiros
“I once had to listen to my mother tell a 10 minute story about all the honkers she saw at the park.
Geese. She meant geese.”
“At Target, I asked for “a can of bug-murder”. I forgot “insecticide” or even “bug spray”. The dude took it in stride, didn’t flinch.”
Image source: Pepsistopheles
Image source: Shell058, Cassidy James Blaede
“My mom referred to Guitar Hero as “Carpet Banjo” one time. Me and my friends still call it that.”
Image source: mowachoo, James Barr
“Couldn’t remember the word Athlete so I went with Sportician.”
Got wisdom to pour?
I called a magic marker a paintbrush.🙄
It’s not the first time I’ve forgotten words. Long COVID is affecting my memory. I have named COVID induced memory loss “Coventia”. In fact I nicknamed myself Hayes-Fogarty precisely because my brain is hazy and foggy.
My mom told me about a song she heard “some liquor makes you get naked”. Apparently it was “Tequila makes your clothes fall off”!
I was talking with my little sister about over population and I couldn’t remember the word eradicate so I said “Yes the world would benefit from Thanosing half the population.”
“song’s talking/story” because I didn’t know the Japanese word for “lyrics”