35 Cats Spotted Chilling In Other People’s Homes
In the vast realm of social media, there exists a delightful corner where cat lovers from around the world come together to share their peculiar and often humorous experiences. Enter the “My house, not my cat” Facebook page – a virtual haven for those who have encountered unexpected feline visitors in their homes.
This online community has become a testament to the curious and comical world of cats that, with a nonchalant attitude, make themselves right at home in places where they clearly don’t belong.
More info: Facebook
#1 These Two Showed Up On My Porch A Few Days Ago Looking For Food And Love
Image source: Kitty Allister
They wanted all the love and whenever my husband and I would go back inside, they would yowl at us until we came back out. I always saw them at the neighbors so we assumed they belonged to the neighbors, but after further inspection, they were kind of skinny, covered in fleas, and not fixed. Husband said no more cats! So I figured I could at least treat them for their fleas, feed them, and possibly TNR so they don’t reproduce when they get older. I set up a little shelter for them as it was kinda cold out. When I woke up, I was sad to see that they were both gone. A few hours later though, my husband wakes up and I tell him how sad I am that they aren’t on our deck anymore. My husband (Zack) then proceeds to smile and say “Well what if drunk Zack went outside, thought to himself ‘Wow it’s chilly outside. Let me call the kikis inside’ and went ‘here kikiki’ and then both kitties came running and I grabbed them and threw them into the house?” at this point I don’t believe him and walked downstairs because I’m the one that catnaps strays, not him lol. Well low and behold, these two orange babies are in our spare room. So no longer, my house, not my cat, but my house, my pumpkin and spice
#2 My Work, Not My Cat This Is In A Truck Manufacturing Workshop With 30+ Guys And This Cat Is Adored By All And Gets So Much Attention It’s Hilarious
Image source: Greg Hook
The cat used to be feral but has adopted us all!
#3 This Gorgeous Boy Had Been Coming To My House For Breakfast For Years
Image source: Heather Patenaude
Jack was abandoned when his humans moved 7 or 8 years ago. I’ve been working with him for at least 5 years. As soon as he started coming inside my house, not my cat, I knew it was time. He was way too skinny and covered in fur mats. He has definitely become my cat. In the 7 or 8 weeks since he became mine, he’s now fixed, has his vaccines, got a flea treatment, and had dental surgery. Now, we’re working on putting some weight on him and integrating him into the household with the cats who were always mine
#4 My Husband… Not Our Cat
Image source: Schnade Cee
This is Symba a local street cat, he has a home a bit of a trek away but he has taken to spending time with our cats. We’ve had some pretty rainy weather and he’s decided this lap is warmer and drier than being outside or making his way home! We are in regular contact with the owner who is grateful that he gets some extra love when he’s not there
#5 I Now Apparently Have My Own Orange. This Dude Showed Up At My House, Ran Inside And Refused To Leave. No Microchip And No Claimants. He Now Responds To The Name Carrot Cake
Image source: Megan Holley
#6 This Little Fluff Wandered In And Decided My Wife’s Crochet Basket Was A Comfortable Bed
Image source: Jeff Call
It is my house, but she wasn’t our cat. Note the past tense. She is now our cat. This is how you get a cat
#7 Went To My Friend’s House The Other Evening. She Went Through To The Kitchen To Make A Drink
Image source: Alex Petrovic
Whilst she was in there, I shouted to her: “I think your cat likes me” she shouted back: “I don’t have a cat”, this is what she came back to.
#8 My House Not My Cat
Image source: Emily Wincek
Sometime between the evening of 4/4 and the afternoon of 4/5: a feral momma gave birth to five beautiful munchkins in a box of clothes I had put on my patio to throw away. I feel chosen. I asked the angels for a “signer sign than usual” (lmao) the other day and I’ve been researching kittens and cats for years. I’m so ready to help these precious souls :’) (I’ll help by providing supportive care for the next three months, hopefully socializing the kittens and setting up shelter intake, then tackling tnr for the whole colony)
#9 This Frail Old Boy, Who Is Not My Cat, Is Always Trying To Get Into My House
Image source: Natasha Coreen
I’ve just got out of the shower, and come downstairs to find him fast asleep on the sofa under my daughter’s blanket. Looks like he’s here for the day!
#10 Not My Cat Caught Breaking Into My Bathroom. He’s Very Cute, Very Rowdy And Didn’t Apologize For Barging In
Image source: Angela Pavey
#11 Two Weeks Ago, I Came Home Late And Heard The Neighbour’s Cat Meowing Repeatedly And Roaming In Front Of The House
Image source: Etsocal Spencer
I opened the door to let her to her house through our garden and went to bed. When I woke up, she was still there, and came for cuddles. « babe, it’s not the neighbours’ cat » said my husband. « we can’t keep her », I said, « Obéron will not let her stay ». She never left. We found out she’s not chipped and that no one has come forward in these two weeks (despite numerous posters and social media research, as one does), and Obéron didn’t in fact kick her out. She’s the sweetest cat ever, she snores and has no counter etiquette. Meet Catherine de Valois. My house, my cat?
#12 I Only Have One Grey Cat (The One In The Middle) And There Are At Least Two Identical Ones In My Neighborhood Who Keep Coming Into My House
Image source: Sidney Abbott
Today I caught all three of them in the same place
#13 In This Photo Are A Nmc And A Mc Hanging Out In My House Together. Orange Tabby Is A Stray Nmc. It Is Over 110 Degrees Here In Phoenix I Couldn’t Leave Him Out In The Heat, Could I?
Image source: Vicki Martin Meekins
#14 My House, Not My Cat. He Comes And Goes
Image source: Reka Tecsy
Neighbors don’t know him but I believe he is living elsewhere too. Today on my kitchen island. We call him Agent Misifu
#15 Uh, Not Sure Whose Cat This Is Or Why It Is In My Bathroom, But I Should’ve Knocked First I Guess
Image source: Ethan Adams
#16 My Balcony, Not My Cat
Image source: Ana Paula Medeiros
#17 Everyone, Meet Louie. He’s My Landlord’s Cat, And Even Though He Lives In A Different House He Comes And Hangs Out With Me Every Day
Image source: Paige Tregurtha
#18 My House, My Sleeping Teen, My Grey And White Cat (Lentils), But Not My Tabby
Image source: Lena Royale
I got home from work to find my son asleep with one of our cats and this beefcake. It’s freezing cold and apparently this guy was crying at the door so my son just let him in. Update: the beefy boy is unaltered but way to friendly to not have people or have once had people. He ate a lot of food, watched a couple of movies with us, and eventually around midnight went to the door wanting back out. Temps were higher and the freezing rain had stopped so I let him back out. He was an absolute perfect gentleman. Lentils is chill af and even Kismet, our resident tabby about half the size of this guy, tolerated him with only a few swat.
#19 Shortly After We Moved To A New Neighborhood, A Pretty Little Cat Showed Up At Our Door And Came Inside The House For A Tour
Image source: Anna Mast
Over time, she visited us daily and she figured out if she went to my son’s basement window and looked in, he would let her in. Piper (as she is named by her owner who lives 2 doors down from us) now has a litter box, fountain water dish, a cat brush, her favourite cat food and cat nip at our house. My son recently moved out so I decided to get a motion sensor camera. Now when she’s at the basement window, I get a notification on my phone and let her in. Best $40 I ever spent. She’s got the best of both worlds between her owner and us, her second family.
#20 Left The Living Room, To Go Make Coffee In The Kitchen. Apparently I Left The Front Door Open Too. I Have 2 Cats. This Is Not One Of Them
Image source: Deanna Finley
#21 My House. My Rad Skeleton Dude, Gerald. Not My Cat. He Now Belongs To Gerald
Image source: Dustin Deckert
#22 My Mother-In-Law Heard Meowing And Opened The Door And This Baby Waltzed Right In
Image source: Ashley Raekatherine
Hasn’t left my daughter’s side. The cat distribution system chose her and they are keeping her. (at her dad’s house) no idea where she came from. No one claimed her on Facebook when a post was made. So yeah. Here is Socks. The multi-toed baby. We gave them 2 cat trees we had extra and some toys. Ps- all her feet have at least 6 toes and one has 8!
#23 So This Guy Showed Up The Other Day. He Had A Chip, So With The Vets Help, We Were Able To Contact The Owner
Image source: Lynn A. Marad
It turns out that he stressed out their autistic son who put him out doors three months ago. Poor displaced guy.. I think we’ll try to give him a soft landing. Update: we’ve been in touch with the former owners family who were so grateful for his happy ending, they offered to pay his first vet bill.
#24 My Wheels, Not My Cat. She Really Wants To Get In My Hallway (Forbidden!) And Her New Tactic Is Waiting By My Door And Hopping Onto My Lap In The Hope Of A Free Ride In
Image source: Lucien Ross
#25 Don’t Even Know Who’s This Guy Is But He Makes Himself Home Everyday
Image source: Kareem El Deeb
#26 Bought A Microchip Cat Flap To Stop Other Cats Coming In And Stealing Food
Image source: Sheree George
Felt sorry for this not my cat staring through the patio doors looking sad. Programmed it to the cat flap and now it comes and goes as it pleases, I’m too soft
#27 I Told This Boy He Wasn’t My Cat For 2 Years. A Year And A Half Ago I Finally Caved And He Is Now My Cat. He Purrs Every Time I Tell Him He’s My Cat And He Has A Home
Image source: Taryn Cominiello
#28 I Called My Cat In From The Dark. He Came Running In. Turned In The Lights… This Is Not My Cat
Image source: Kim Fowkes
He was very confused to be in a strange house but friendly. My cat was waiting by the door and not impressed to see that I was holding another cat.
#29 Went Upstairs To Make My Bed. This Fella Says No. My House, My Bedroom, My Duvet… … You Guessed It. Not My Flippin Cat
Image source: Clair Chapman
#30 This Little Man Ran Into My Apartment When I Went To Go Outside. He Arrived On The 21st Of October. His Name Is Octavius But I Call Him 21 Savage
Image source: Dezuhrayy Bee
He’s honestly the best and so loving. My house and now my cat.
#31 This Handsome Fella Keeps Using My Cats’ Cat Door To Let Himself Into My House
Image source: Amy Wardlow
His favorite time to do so is 3am. He always announces his arrival, then eats my cats’ food (right in front of them), and then leaves. If he had a little hat on his furry head, I’m sure he’d tip it on the way out.
#32 My Washing Machine. Not My Cat
Image source: Lauren Mabbley
#33 Found This Cat In Labor On My Porch Today
Image source: Frank Kohl
If I leave her side she freaks all the way out and she won’t let anyone else near her so I’m currently being held hostage in my hallway by a cat that’s not mine. I call this one “Nurse, I smell pizza.”
#34 Definitely “My House Not My Cat”
Image source: Domoina
#35 I Finally Got One! Neighbour’s Ex-Barn Cat
Image source: Nic Ole
Got wisdom to pour?