25 Times People Spotted A Cat In Their House, But It Wasn’t Theirs, As Shared In This Facebook Group
Perhaps not all home invasions are worth notifying the police about, and not all intruders are dangerous. I’m talking about those four-legged meowing hairy creatures that show up unannounced, and, honestly, they couldn’t care less. “It’s a problem worldwide, and boy, is it CUTE!” states a Facebook group showcasing the most wholesome pics of meowing ‘trespassers.’ But no need to call 911. Although they can steal your leftovers…
“Ever come into your house and find a cat…and you don’t own a cat or not THIS cat? This page is for you!” is written in the description of the “My house, not my cat” group on Facebook. Below, find some adorable pics people have posted of the unexpected guests they spotted chilling in their homes.
We also recommend checking out our previous posts featuring cat memes and comics every cat owner can relate to for all furry friend lovers out there.
More info: Facebook
#1 This Is Marley. Marley Is My Upstairs Neighbors’ Cat. This Is My Couch. I Don’t Think Marley Got The Memo
Image source: Ena Bradenburg
#2 Technically, Tony Isn’t Ours
Image source: MaryAnn Meyers
“Our neighbors tossed him out. He comes in for breakfast and dinner and sometimes if it’s raining. He has trained us to pay tribute with treats on a schedule. Yesterday was a nice day so I put a blanket on the pool deck and was lying down to get some fresh air. I turned my head to the right and saw this”
#3 I’ve Told Y’all The Story Of How Lando Started Out As A Mhnmc By Swaggering Through My Front Door And Declaring The House As His Back In November 2019
Image source: Josiah Bennett
“Well, I was going through my phone not long ago and found a picture I took of him walking down the street about a month or two before he barged into my life. From that skinny stray to the loving and vocal 21lb a**hole, his transition from a NMC to my cat has been one hell of a glow up for him”
#4 So We Moved In To A New Place In December
Image source: Peter Schuyler Hamlen
“This fellow has now learned to walk quietly behind me and sneak in when I open the door from my morning coffee run. This was my morning meeting … my colleagues commented “There’s a lot of meowing, Hamlen, for someone who doesn’t have a cat””
#5 This Is Homer!
Image source: Sarah Lynch
“My partner and I met him probably 5 years ago, we never knew who he belonged to, so we fed him and he would spend most of the night with us, he ended up being my neighbours cat and his real name was “a**hole” (we named him homer we didn’t know what his name was) last year we ended up moving to a new town 3 hours away from where we used to live, it was really hard to leave homer behind, we loved him and cared for him almost like he was our own, my partner travels to melbourne and visits him sometimes! Well a few weeks ago, our old neighbour contacted us and said he was moving and going to work in the mines and that he was looking at rehoming Homer, so of course we said yes! So In a few days our little grey man will be reuniting with us and we are so excited!”
#6 Allow Me To Introduce All Of You Fine People To My Mhnmc, ‘Girlie’
Image source: Elle Weber
“Girlie has annointed herself my greeting committee. She knows which one is my assigned parking space, and if my car isn’t in it, she will wait for me (year round!) on the sidewalk along the road I take to get home.
Girlie knows the sound of my car, and will come running from out of nowhere when she hears it!
When I come home, I roll down the windows of my car and call for her. Girlie is usually waiting for me, but on those odd days when she isn’t, I hear the sound of her tiny paws shortly after, scrambling across the stone landscape toward my car. I can then see this healthy chonk full-tilt running behind my car to beat me to my parking space so that she can greet me properly.
She sniffs the plants and waits up the hill on the sidewalk for me to grab my stuff and start the walk home, and then(and only then) she darts up my stairs and stands impatiently with her nose pressed to my security door. At this point, she lets out the tiniest little ‘mew!!!’ to let me know that she is ready to sit with me for 5 minutes at the top of the stairs while I dole out her favorite snacks.
I treasure this time. I tell her about my day, scritch under her chin (everywhere else seems to be politely rebuffed so far) and when the snacks are gone, she trots down the stairs into the night.
My little love, Girlie”
#7 This Petite Démon Found A Cozy Place At My Car In A Rainy Evening, Then Found My Sofa And Tried To Eat My Soul
Image source: Pedro Augusto Luzeti
#8 I Bet My Neighbor Thinks Their Cat Likes To Roam All Over Town Every Night
Image source: Kerry Karner
#9 “Are You Satisfied With Your Current Health Insurance Plan?! Did You Know That By Switching To Meowco, You Could Save An Average Of 100%!? … Just Uh… Open This Door, And I’ll Discuss Plan Options With You.” – Mystery Kitty
Image source: Brian Fry
#10 Furthermore, This Fella Has Greeted Me The Last Few Mornings. He’s Chonky And If His Collar Is To Be Believed, His Name Is ‘Do Not Feed!’
Image source: Michael Ratledge
#11 My Bathroom, Not My Cat….
Image source: Sabine De Schepper
#12 Not My Cat! I Guess She Heard I Feed Strays And Was Quite Demanding….later I Discovered She Was Eating For 4!
Image source: Vanessa Carroll Chai
#13 This Guy Started Showing Up A Few Months Ago. He Has A Collar On But No Tags. One Day I Decided To Put A Note On His Collar To See If He Had A Home. He Does! His Lovely Mom Text Me All About Him And Thinks It’s Great He Comes By For Naps And Hangouts With Me
Image source: Allie Brown
#14 This Was My Toby, He Turned Up As A Hungry Kitten, As They Often Do
Image source: Michelle Bentley
“My neighbours were very anti cat, didn’t like them at all…….until our Toby decided to visit.
He made himself at home, sleeping on their bed
Toby changed them completely, they bought him treats, cooked him chicken, they even rang to see how he was when they were away.
Sadly, we lost our dear Toby to cancer last year
We’d had him ten years, and he was very much loved by us and our neighbours.
We laid him to rest in the memorial garden, and to my surprise, I found a small plaque that they’d put on a rock nearby.
It read “Toby, he was our little friend”.
I sobbed when I read it.
(Photo shows Toby with our beloved late doggy Sausage, who our neighbours also loved.
They are shown here on a doggy bed bought by them)”
#15 I Feed The Stray Cats In My Neighborhood, I Have A Regular That Has Been Coming Around For About A Year, He’s Friendly And I’ve Named Godfather, He’s A Big Tuxedo So The Name Fits
Image source: Teresa Owens
“I’ve recently had 2 more show up. A black one I call Slayer, because my black cats name is Pantera and I thought they were pretty metal lol.
But this guy I call Romeo cuz he sits on this table outside the window and meows to my female cat. Like a little Romeo and Juliette. But he’s so gorgeous I thought I’d share him.”
#16 So This Was Joe. My Moms Former Neighbors “Owned” Joe
Image source: Rob McLaughlin
“They left him outside all the time no matter the weather and really didn’t bother with him. One day my mom tells me they packed up and left in the middle of the night. They took their dogs and a few things and just left.
So old Joe started spending most of his time on moms porch. He would do the rounds in the morning, visiting a couple of the neighbors who would give him treats and sometimes food. There was also an older gentleman who walked down the street every day who gave him treats.
When winter came, my mom went to Michaels and bought one of those little wooden crate type boxes, threw a blanket into it and slid it under the porch swing (covering that with a blanket to block the wind) against the house so Joe would have a warm place to sleep, because he would never come in the house.
Joe wasn’t a fan of being petted and picking him up was out of the question, but he’d sit close by and relax on the porch with you.
Joes been gone a couple years now but I just found this page so I thought I’d give a little shout out to this fuzzy boy”
#17 My Garden, Not My Cat. I Don’t Know Who He Is, Where He Comes From, What His Name Is, But He Keeps Coming Round And Eating My Own Cat’s Food. He’s Chunky, He Looks Healthy, And He’s Brazen, I Found Him On My Sofa A Couple Of Days Ago!
Image source: Lorraine Hopkins
#18 8 Years Ago This Beauty Was Eating Food With Ants Crawling All Over It, Had Fur That Felt Like Straw, And Would Cower Each Time Anyone Would Attempt To Pet Her
Image source: Allysia Porter
“Now, she’s a vocal, affectionate, prissy lil Peach that demands “kitty time,” a well-made bed, and special collars. She’s come a long way from being not my cat to being a family member”
#19 My House, My Stairs, I Don’t Own A Cat!
Image source: Danielle Fletcher
#20 My House, Not My Cats
Image source: Nikki Byrne
“Last spring I planted Catnip with my garden herbs that I hang in pots on our fence. I didn’t grow up with cats, so I was ignorant to the fact that some cats really do find it irresistible. The huge tabby on the chair was the first one to turn up shortly thereafter. We simply call him Mister, because it’s very, ahem, obvious that he’s a male from the rear. It was clear that he had never been socialized around people. He has never been aggressive, but he was very scared of us for a good long while. Any sudden movement would send him back on top of the fence where he was most comfortable. It has taken 9 patient months, completely on his terms, but I can finally feed him treats right out of my hand and even pet him a little bit. I think he sired 2 generations of kitties somewhere in the neighborhood in the meantime, because these friendly little kittens started showing up gradually too. You can’t tell in the photos, but they do have distinct stripes. I had never seen black tabbies before! We leave food and water out, and are very generous with the treats. We’ve been helping to get them all fixed, too. Someone else around here also seems to be assisting with that, though I’ve not quite figured out who. If I can manage to get Mister in a carrier and get him in to be fixed, that will be a huge accomplishment. Slowly but surely, I guess. In the meantime, they come and go as they please, and you never know who is going to make an appearance on any given day. This was this morning’s swarm.”
#21 Nmc Not Only Will Only Eat On The Counter But Now She Seems To Prefer Her Meal By Candle Light
Image source: Mike Knetge
#22 Not My Cat, But He Heard The Thunder From The Storms Rolling In Here In Indiana Near Louisville And Was Pawing At The Door To Get In And Take Shelter. Lol. Sweet Guy
Image source: David A. Erickson
#23 19th November 2018…. This Little Guy Jumped Through My Window As I Was Sleeping On The Sofa And Started Eating My Food That Was On The Table, He Ended Up Staying The Night So I Called Him Rusty
Image source: Jamie Mazier
“I ended up keeping him for a month before finding his owners on FB, I was heartbroken to hand him over but I knew it was the right thing
3 months later he came back so I contacted his owners only to be told that they have moved over 300miles away so I knew I had to keep him
Since then he’s been my best friend and he’s happier than ever ”
#24 My Cat And Not My Cat In My Desk …. The Red One Is Mine, White Boy Almost Mine
Image source: Sabine De Schepper
#25 Got A Delivery For A New Mattress At My Apartment Today, This Lil Cutie Snuck In While I Let The Guys In My Apartment, Not My Cat
Image source: Megan Lonsway
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