40 Of The Most Random And Funny Memes Shared On This IG Account
When it comes to memes there are so many that keep cropping up that no matter how many memes you have already seen there’s always something new.
One particular Instagram account has been sharing entertaining memes since 2014 with a following of 7m. We’ve gone through the lot and found some of their latest and most amusing posts to share with you in the gallery below.
Image source: s**theadsteve
Corvus (edited): Technology is so convenient, but it definitely dumbed us down a little bit.
Image source: s**theadsteve, x.com
Greta Kolding: It used to be the British. There was this incident in Cairo airport where there were two signs for new arrivals – one said ‘Egyptians’ and the other said ‘Foreigners’. A British gentleman stood there not knowing where to go. He knew he was not an Egyptian, but he most certainly wasn’t a foreigner either!
Image source: s**theadsteve
Bols: There really should be some age cap! Or at least some percentage parity (like “at least 30% members of the parliament have to be below 35”), this is so riddiculous that the present and future of so many nations is shaped by men who do not understand current reality
Image source: s**theadsteve, x.com
HelluvaHedgehogAlien: Yay! More random myths! Add some fireworks!
Image source: s**theadsteve, x.com
Mike Y: Barbenheimer!
Image source: shitheadsteve
Image source: shitheadsteve
River Webb: They probably just borrow someone else’s house for the video
Image source: shitheadsteve
️~ lefty libra️ ~ (edited): theres vomit on his sweater already
Image source: s**theadsteve
Li’l E.: EXACTLY. Timothee Chalamet does nothave the same threatening aura. Johnny Depp was just creepy in a vaguely sexual way.
Image source: s**theadsteve
Mike Y: The cruise ship provokes them
Image source: shitheadsteve
Image source: s**theadsteve
HelluvaHedgehogAlien: Imagine walking on these at 3 in the morning, holding a cup of water that is too full
Image source: s**theadsteve, x.com
Image source: s**theadsteve
Mike Y: 65 million
Image source: shitheadsteve, x.com
Image source: s**theadsteve
SCP 4666: You should smile more
Image source: shitheadsteve
The Doom Song: Why oh why do i want to do this so badly right now?
Image source: s**theadsteve
River Webb: You’re going to need one of those toilet seats too
Image source: s**theadsteve
Image source: s**theadsteve
LakotaWolf (she/her): That’s holidays with my family!
Image source: s**theadsteve
️~ lefty libra️ ~: thats pretty acute.
Image source: shitheadsteve
TotallyNOTAFox: We in Germany say “Eat up and the sun will shine tomorrow” – And look where that brought us, a lot of fat kids and droughts
Image source: s**theadsteve, x.com
NapQueen: I’m so glad we don’t have this tipping culture.
Image source: s**theadsteve
Caffeinated Hedgehog: Hee-Hee
Image source: s**theadsteve
kazuha: I’ve never been diagnosed with ADHD but I strangely relate to this..
Image source: s**theadsteve, x.com
Head_on_a_Stick: I tried it and it was bad. Don’t bother.
Image source: s**theadsteve
ॐBoyGanesh: It’s cathartic.
Image source: shitheadsteve
Image source: s**theadsteve
Lemme get the lemons: They missed out the part where they go “I’ve been gambling for 44 years despite what my family wants. Thanks, but I’d know what an addiction was if I had one” or something like that
Image source: sh**headsteve, bit.ly
Image source: s**theadsteve
Jason: Previously was Vlad the hasn’t impaled anyone yet.
Image source: s**theadsteve
mysterious(all pronouns): The phrase shrimp billionaire is wonderful.
Image source: s**theadsteve
River Webb: Just go back to the baby store and ask for a refund
Image source: s**theadsteve
Sum Guy: Bieber is thicc
Image source: s**theadsteve
VioletHunter (edited): Threw my printer out because of this and got a black and white one.
Image source: shitheadsteve
Multa Nocte: This hits close to home . . . .
Image source: s**theadsteve
Bols: Mindset is the key to success hehe I like this kid
Image source: s**theadsteve
Jason: Nicer than my first apartment and probably less criminals around
Image source: s**theadsteve
Donald: it is the VAG group after all (Volkswagen Auto Group)
Image source: s**theadsteve, x.com
Kobe (she): Well, technically – he then was not a f****ng nerd
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