30 Of The Most Satisfying Things Shared To The “Instant Karma” Online Group

Published 4 years ago

Maybe a coworker stole your lunch from the workplace fridge, some jerk got you soaked from head to toe by driving through a huge puddle, or the bus driver just drove away even though they saw you running towards the bus – sometimes life seems like it’s just not fair, and that there’s nothing you can do about it. But don’t worry – even though you might not see it, karma always sets things straight.

People over at the r/InstantKarma subreddit are sharing instances where karma made sure people got what they deserved, and it’s actually pretty satisfying to see. From fuel thieves siphoning a little more than they could swallow to poachers getting a taste of their own medicine – check some examples of that sweet “instant Karma” in the gallery below!

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#1 Pretty Instant Karma

Image source: Hillshurt

#2 I Love Karma

Image source: About137Ninjas

#3 Got What He Deserved

Image source: Zbiu_YT

#4 This Subreddit Never Said Bad Or Good Karma!

Image source: medallionstallion

#5 Karmadillo

Image source: jmonis2

#6 Got What Was Coming

Image source: Blazingfire17

#7 Kid Refuses To Move His Legs, Guy Sits On Them Instead

Image source: Supraman18

#8 Rip Him

Image source: uhhsamurai

#9 Goodbye, Monster

Image source: howiemandealt

#10 Well This Says Something

Image source: usernametakenexe

#11 I Don’t Know If It Belongs Here!

Image source: AleyFarooq_

#12 Snowman 1, Driver 0

Image source: Vlancing

#13 Just Mad I Tell You

Image source: PizzaPow

#14 Amazing. Impeccable

Image source: tinyzenji

#15 Got What They Deserved

Image source: Amygdala5822

#16 Guy Is A Jerk To A Police Officer In An Unmarked Car

Image source: BehindBlueLine

#17 Guy Parks On Stripes To Avoid Freezing Rain, Happens To Be Under A Leaky Pipe

Image source: tnick771

#18 Instant Karma

Image source: FaustinoXIV

#19 Bye Bye

Image source: NearbyDANKSTER

#20 Respect Your Mother

Image source: dobbyisafreepup

#21 Gave Him The Express Shipping Option For Free

Image source: blackxparty

#22 Oh How The Tables Have Turned

Image source: BleacherReport

#23 One Plate Of Karma Coming Up

Image source: reddit.com

#24 All’s Well, It Ends Well

Image source: studentactivism

#25 Mayor Dishes Out Karma On Litterer

Image source: Jontolo

#26 What Goes Around Comes Around

Image source: bryann_and

#27 Just Play Defence

Image source: Smoothwhisp

#28 Reverse Brick

Image source: gabedavis46

#29 Goddamn Hypocrites

Image source: Ready20000

#30 Instant

Image source: rromero26

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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fails, funny, instant karma, karma