Stuff No One Told Me By Alex Noriega (20 Pics)
“At some point in 2010 I was going through a crisis due to some issues at work. I decided to start this blog [Stuff No One Told Me] as a way of trying to find what I was doing wrong. I wanted to put on paper all that I had learned in life as simple as possible and try to see if what was happening around me made any sense. It didn’t.“
This is the work of Alex Noriega, a 31-year-old illustrator from Barcelona, whose blogging experiment turned into the insightful illustration series Stuff No One Told Me. There he packs life lessons into amusing comics, and you can tell that it’s not just anybody’s experiences but his very own, making the pictures below feel personal and even more motivating.
More info: snotm (h/t: boredpanda)
If you feel like these illustrations are too tame, take a look at more harsh life lessons by Polish artist Igor Morski.
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