30 History Memes That Are More Fun That Any Textbook

Published 3 years ago

For a lot of us, history classes were the ones where we spent the most time sleeping. There’s just something about memorizing dates and reading about treaties and pacts that instantly makes you doze off! Worry not, however, because there exists a way of learning history without the boring part – and that is learning through memes.

Today we have prepared you some clever and funny history memes collected by historyinmemes, and you don’t have to be a hardcore history buff to appreciate them. Check out some of the best ones in the gallery below, and if you want more, make sure to read our earlier article here!

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#1 Anyone Know Her Of?

Image source: historyinmemes

Alice Roosevelt with her dog Leo. She smoked cigarettes in public, chewed gum, placed bets with bookies, rode in cars with men, stayed out late partying, and kept a pet snake named Emily Spinach, which she often wore wrapped around one arm and took to parties. Her father President Theodore Roosevelt once said of her “I can either run the country or I can attend to Alice, but I cannot possibly do both.” 1902.

#2 Imagine

Image source: historyinmemes

#3 Simps

Image source: historyinmemes

#4 Sick Balcony

Image source: historyinmemes

#5 Humans Rock

Image source: historyinmemes

#6 Those Cows Are Beautiful

Image source: historyinmemes

#7 Nestlé Biting Their Tongue

Image source: historyinmemes

#8 Here We Go Again

Image source: historyinmemes

#9 Dog History Memes Are Undefeated

Image source: historyinmemes

#10 It Really Do Be Like That

Image source: historyinmemes

#11 Low Blow

Image source: historyinmemes

#12 Shoutout Yuri

Image source: historyinmemes

#13 Canadians Are So Nice

Image source: historyinmemes

#14 Relatable

Image source: historyinmemes

#15 Astrologers Be Like

Image source: historyinmemes

#16 Wars Suck

Image source: historyinmemes

#17 You’re Killin Me, Pilgrim

Image source: MetaHelvetica

#18 Gotta Love Geography

Image source: historyinmemes

#19 Innovation Is Scary

Image source: historyinmemes

#20 Why Lord Mittens, You Look Ravishing!

Image source: johnlen1n

#21 Respec

Image source: historyinmemes

#22 Fashion Is A Matter Of Historical Perspective

Image source: EasieEEE

#23 Effective & Efficient

Image source: historyinmemes

#24 Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité!

Image source: Glenny08

#25 Feels Good Man

Image source: historyinmemes

#26 Read The Primary Sources, People!

Image source: EliotHudson

#27 Sheeeesh

Image source: historyinmemes

#28 Home Of KFC’s Secret Recipe

Image source: historyinmemes

#29 It Do Be Like That

Image source: historyinmemes

#30 Keep Your Voices Down; The English Could Walk In At Any Minute

Image source: johnlen1n

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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funny, history, history memes