30 Of The Funniest Historical Memes Shared By A Popular IG Account

Published 3 months ago

Learning history back in the day was all about knowing complicated names, dates and locations. It wasn’t easy to remember all the details so the Instagram account, The Historical Meme, has found a way around this little hiccup. Using humour and wit to depict the events of history in a fun and accurate manner, these memes are just what every historian geek needs but didn’t even know they were looking for. 

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Image source: roman.honour

HF: also good for deterring the monsters under the bed


Image source: roman.honour

Apatheist Account2: “Can I apply my own anaesthetic?” “Sure, knock yourself out!”


Image source: roman.honour


Image source: roman.honour

Pedantic Panda: Fridges don’t need any more rest, they’re always chilling.


Image source: roman.honour

XenoMurph: You guys are getting bread?


Image source: roman.honour


Image source: roman.honour

JimSteve: Actually, the British are just one of the most recent of hundreds of civilisations who took things from other cultures. Everyone just hates on the British because they’re still around.


Image source: thehistoricalmeme


Image source: thehistoricalmeme


Image source: federalenforcedmemes


Image source: thehistoricalmeme

Pernille: And the Australians couldn’t even beat the emus.


Image source: roman.honour

LizzieBoredom (edited): Tea drinking came to England in 1650, but because it was expensive, didn’t become the most popular drink in England until the early 19th century. It took oolong time.


Image source: thehistoricalmeme

TotallyNOTAFox: Everyone: “Tanks can’t cross the Ardennes!” – Heinz Guderian: “Halt mal kurz mein Bier”


Image source: thehistoricalmeme


Image source: EuroWynner

Roger9er: He does look like he came straight from that era, though!


Image source: federalenforcedmemes

Luis Hernandez Dauajare: Franz Ferdinand feels this…

Chewie Baron: He was killed, it was the war that ended the Austrian-Hungarian Empire.


Image source: thehistoricalmeme

der sebbl (edited): For those who don’t know: after WW1, Germany started to design new tanks, which they weren’t allowed to because of the Versailles treaty. To disguise that, they stated that they were building tractors ( don’t ask me why that worked)


Image source: historysfinestmemes


Image source: thehistoricalmeme

DaisyBee (edited): No, your ancestors were! – Sincerely, the Irish


Image source: federalenforcedmemes


Image source: thehistoricalmeme

Luis Hernandez Dauajare (edited): “When ze rockets go up, vho cares vhere zey come down…That’s not mein department!”


Image source: historysfinestmemes

Marja Berisa: Hey hey hey, he tried but we fought back! – Finland –


Image source: thehistoricalmeme


Image source: thehistoricalmeme

OhnoI’vebeencensored: Task failed successfully


Image source: thehistoricalmeme


Image source: thehistoricalmeme

Crystal: So cruel! Ironically it was apparently Canada that passed laws to ban liquor first, then USA followed while Canada repealed decision. Canadian bootleggers got rich after that. 😁


Image source: thehistoricalmeme

Corvus: She didn’t know at the time… and when she started to know, it was way too late.


Image source: thehistoricalmeme


Image source: thehistoricalmeme


Image source: thehistoricalmeme

Corvus: The Germans had a similar experience too…

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



accurate, funny, funny memes, historical memes, history, memes