30 Examples Of People Failing Miserably In Geography
The world is not small! There are around 195 countries in the world and every country has so many states with lots of big and small cities. It’s really difficult to keep track of everything on the world map. However, some geographical facts are so basic that even school kids would understand.
Some folks seem to be a little ignorant about geographical stuff. There are many examples on the internet that shows how some people might have failed their geography class. Today, we have collected some posts from the subreddit r/facepalm to show how some people are geographically unaware. Check them out in the gallery below.
More info: Reddit
#1 European Airline Failed Geography
Image source: Your_one_man_
#2 Geography Is Tough
Image source: imgur.com
#3 Bye!! America See You… Never!
Image source: DOMINOEP
#4 Someone Failed Geography
Image source: McManus26
#5 Looks Like Someone Failed Geography
Image source: The_Aincrad_Prince
#6 And I Thought Americans Only Knew American Geography
Image source: SpinalElephant
#7 It’s Basic Geography *sigh
#8 Geography Is Important, Kids
Image source: regian24
#9 Geography Wasn’t Their Strongest Suit
Image source: DeificClusterfuck
#10 Someone Needs To Go Back To Geography Class…
Image source: howdopeoplemakethese
#11 East Virginia
Image source: LightningMcqueer1
#12 Geography Is For Weak
Image source: dwholefunk
#13 Geography
Image source: reddit.com
#14 How Many People Failed Element School Geography
Image source: anoobsearcher
#15 Geography Is Not Their Strong Suit
Image source: unabenjaminson
#16 Geography Is Hard
Image source: pjm9
#17 I Can’t Tell Whether This Is Satire Or Not But They Should Have Looked Up The Geography Of The UK Before Claiming Racism
Image source: 21stCenturyDelphox
#18 Is Not Good With His Geography
Image source: posturbem
#19 Geography Is Hard
Image source: gonzoletti
#20 Statistics Are Hard. So Is Geography
Image source: beerbellybegone
#21 Geography…
Image source: FrauleinSchnurrbart
#22 Geography Is African Hard Subject
Image source: PM_ME_UR_KNEE
#23 Geography Fail
Image source: OllieGarkey
#24 3 Different Geography Fails Along With Some Ebola Panic
Image source: Plowbeast
#25 Geography
Image source: regian24
#26 Rip Us Geography
Image source: katieporter13
#27 Geography Probably Isn’t Their Strongest Subject
Image source: NemesisCR
#28 Someone’s Failed Geography Class
Image source: Redstoneprime
#29 Geography Class Aint Gonna Go Well
Image source: Tiny_Monkey113
#30 I Think They Didn’t Pass Geography Class
Image source: regian24
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