6 Hilarious Low-Cost Cosplays Of Game Of Thrones Characters By Anucha Saengchart
By now you should recognize the name Anucha “Cha” Saengchart pretty well but just in case you don’t, he’s the guy behind the hilarious and incredibly creative ‘Low-Cost Cosplay‘ series. Now he’s back again with 6 Game of Thrones cosplays that are so bad, they good.
Anucha started ‘Low-Cost Cosplay’ all the way back in 2013 and has already gathered almost 4 million fans on Facebook.
Jon Snow
Image credits: Lowcostcosplay
In many cases, preparing a costume for cosplaying is a long and pretty expensive process – it can take months to make and cost thousands of dollars, depending on the complexity. But not in Anucha’s case – this creative guy proved that any household item can be used as a part of a costume.
Image credits: Lowcostcosplay
Image credits: Lowcostcosplay
Markers, old shoes, even keyboards – Anucha seems to see potential in everything and never ceases to surprise us.
Random White Walker
Image credits: Lowcostcosplay
The Night King
Image credits: Lowcostcosplay
And while his cosplays are not as detailed as some other cosplayers‘, they always put a smile on our face. Check out more of Anucha’s cosplays here and here!
The Night King and his trusted companion
Image credits: Lowcostcosplay
People love this guy’s creativity
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