IKEA Trolls Kanye West And Now The Internet Joins In
Back in March (in)famous rapper Kanye West expressed interest in a collaboration with furniture manufacturing giant IKEA. He tweeted the company months ago offering to work together, and now he finally got the response. Just maybe not exactly the one he expected.
He’s opened up the communication with a tweet saying: “Super inspired by my visit to IKEA today, really amazing company… my mind is racing with the possibilities…” IKEA didn’t respond to that one, but just recently Kanye was interviewed on BBC Radio 1, where he resurfaced his intentions: “I have to work with IKEA — make furniture for interior design, for architecture,” and after this he finally got IKEA’s response.
IKEA Australia posted a photo on Facebook of a Yeezy bed design reminiscent of the same controversial bed with naked celebrity wax figures from Kanye’s latest music clip. Unsurprisingly that also caught the attention of quite a few internauts who just happened to have Photoshop at hand.
More info: facebook (h/t: boredpanda)
In March Kanye tweeted that he’d love to work with IKEA
Then, a month later, he threw another hint on Twitter…
And just recently, IKEA responded to his collaboration request with an awesome answer
#1 Famous
Image source: Ikea
#2 Kardash
Image source: hotshit
#3 Kanye Framye
Image source: Inga Ko
#4 Ikeanye
Image source: robinisraelson
#5 Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Who’s The Fairest Of Them All
Image source: Julija Nėjė
#6 I Am Not A Fish
Image source: Aaron Boyle
#7 Kanye Hest
Image source: SegSirap
#8 Kanye
Image source: Michel de Rooij
#9 Sing Louder Under A Kanye Shower!
Image source: Konstantin Brilliant
#10 Quality Floral Ass!
Image source: Blue
For more of IKEA’s funny moments head over here.
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