Nobody Takes Better Fan Selfies Than Elijah Wood (10+ Photos)
While most Hollywood stars pose like wax mannequins in their fan pictures, Elijah Wood falls in a different category. And it’s because he seems to be having just as much fun posing as the fans themselves!
Don’t believe us? Then take a look at these funny shots below, when Elijah has decided to liven up the picture by piggyback riding the fans or choosing their breasts over a pillow for a quick nap.
Don’t know about you, but I suddenly got an urge to rewatch the Lord of the Rings series again… There goes my weekend.
(h/t: boredpanda)
Image source: cowdimples
Image source: Jbc0146
Image source: atlastthebat
Image source: Aaron Drake
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Image source: NotAnAverageTaunTaun
Image source: DaFunOne
Image source: Saira Rose
Image source: Rick Castillo/MediaPunch
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