Bin That Looks Like Donald Trump Sparks THE BEST Photoshop Battle
When in Paris, Twitter user Thomas Regembal took a picture of a rubbish bin with personality, a personality which soon got a name of Donald the Bin and a life of it’s own as a doppelganger of the new US president.
British comedy website The Poke gave a start to this by inviting people to “do your wonderful stuff with it” using the hashtag #TheAdventuresOfDonaldTheBin. And wonderful things did happen when the never idle Photoshoppers got involved. Check out theire funny creations below, or even better, make one yourself! (h/t)
The Original
Image source: Stom Regembal
#1 Mount Trumpmore
Image source: omfgthelife
#2 Bin Of The Year
Image source: loosemeds
#3 After A Leaked Photo Emerges, Sean Spicer Denies Trump Cabinet Members Are Manufactured Puppets
Image source: monkey_wrangler
#4 The Adventures Of Donald The Bin
Image source: GingerPower
#5 Donald Being Carried To His Inauguration By The First Lady And The First Lady Elect
Image source: Okeating
#6 Donald The Bin
Image source: seltiti
#7 Off To Build A Uge Wall
Image source: TIMMYNEAL
#8 Footage Of Donald Trump The Bin’s Terrifying Encounter With An Eagle
Image source: megabren
#9 Swearing In Of The Rubbish™
Image source: loosemeds
#10 American Gothbin
Image source: ThePoke
It’s not the first time Trump gets into the sights of Photoshoppers.
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