After Noticing Their Dogs Like To Watch The Neighborhood Through The Hole In The Fence, These Owners Decided To Decorate It With Funny Posters
Being stuck in quarantine has really sparked creativity in some people. And while some are recreating paintings or cooking weird things, others are coming up with fun projects involving their pets – just take Ohio-based man Brian Stanley for example. After noticing his dogs – Ripley and Burger King – love to watch the neighborhood through a hole in his fence, he decided to decorate it with various funny posters, bringing joy to the whole neighborhood!
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Brian Stanley noticed his dogs love watching the neighborhood through a hole in his fence
So he decided to decorate it with funny posters, starting with a parody of Jaws
Image credits: thedogfence
In a recent interview with Bored Panda, the man said it all started last August when Burger King was just a few months old and was digging a hole under the fence to watch strangers go by. To solve this problem, Brian cut a hole in the fence and Burger loved it.
Image credits: thedogfence
After the COVID shutdown back in March, Brian and his son found themselves stuck at home and noticed the increase in bike and foot traffic around their home. “I came up with the idea to paint a dog-themed painting to frame the window, which would be brought to life when Burger stuck his head through the fence,” said the man.
Image credits: thedogfence
“We have 2 dogs and both are sweethearts. Ripley, however, is more tentative. She is somewhat more of a barker towards anyone approaching the fence. She loves the attention but is more hesitant than Burger to embrace it,” explained Brian. “Burger, on the other hand, loves attention. The fence window I cut is the first place he goes when I let him outside. I’ve seen him just stand there with his head through the hole watching the world go by.”
People loved the original poster and soon enough Brian created another one – this time it was Pac Mac-themed
Image credits: thedogfence
Brian says that Burger is the star of the show – the hole in the fence is the first place he goes when let outside. “Even if he and Ripley are running around in the yard, he keeps an ear out for anyone that goes by and will run over to the hole to look out at them,” said the man.
Image credits: thedogfence
Image credits: thedogfence
Image credits: thedogfence
Brian says that both of the dogs are amazing but Ripley is a little more shy than Burger. “Burger is the classic knuckleheaded dog,” joked the man. “He’s always happy, always smiling, and willing to please and make people happy.”
Another one of Brian’s posters was inspired by the painting titled Girl with the Pearl Earring
Image credits: thedogfence
Image credits: thedogfence
Image credits: thedogfence
“My son helped match colors, paint, and hang ‘The Bark’ which was our version of the famous ‘The Scream’ painting. In the beginning, we just thought it would brighten the day in the neighborhood and hopefully bring a few smiles to people’s faces,” explained Brian. “There was an immediate positive response to it. My son and I have no plans to stop putting up new paintings and have enough ideas to keep doing this for years.”
Then came The Bark – a parody of Munch’s The Scream
Image credits: thedogfence
The man says that people from the neighborhood usually stop and take pictures with the dogs – some of them even bring treats that Burger seems to love! “Both my wife and I have been stopped by walkers, runners, bikers, and people in their cars who they tell us how much they love what we are doing,” added Brian.
Image credits: thedogfence
“I love the Pacman piece we did and I also love ‘The Dog with the Bone Earring’ but for different reasons. Pacman because it’s not a 2d piece. We cut, painted and attached individual pieces to it so that it had a more 3d look to it,” explained the man. “”Bone Earring” because of how challenging it was to duplicate the original piece of artwork so people would recognize it”
Is that a dinosaur? No, wait, that’s Burger starring in Jurassic Bark
Image credits: thedogfence
Image credits: thedogfence
Brian says that they have enough ideas to continue creating posters until the spring of 2024. “As we come up with more ideas, it extends how long we can keep this up. Basically, it will continue until my imagination runs out of ideas,” said the man.
Image credits: thedogfence
Uncle Sam? More like Uncle Burger
Image credits: thedogfence
Image credits: thedogfence
Image credits: thedogfence
“I hope that if our little art project gets more of an audience we can continue to make and post new pieces on our fence and also to feature adoptable animals on our social media pages like Instagram,” concluded Brian.
Here are some behind the scenes photos of the creative process
Image credits: thedogfence
And here’s a look behind the fence
Image credits: thedogfence
Image credits: thedogfence
These are some happy pups!
Image credits: thedogfence
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