30 More Funny War And Peas Comics With Unexpected Endings

Published 4 years ago

War and Peas is a comic series started by artists Elizabeth Pich and Jonathan Kunz back in 2011. The duo’s comics are known for being full of unexpected twists as well as surprise endings, and their unique and quirky style has already amassed them a following of over 980k people on Instagram.

In an interview with Bored Panda, the artists said that while they don’t often read comics themselves, they enjoy Extra Fabulous Comics and the illustrations of Aminder Dhaliwal. Sometimes they even stumble upon their own comics and find them hilarious!

There are quite a few recurring characters in the series and the duo says that they’re like children to them. “We love them all dearly, although they misbehave often and keep us from getting a good night’s sleep. All in all, they are good creatures of the dark realm,” says Elizabeth and Jonathan.

More info: Instagram | Facebook | warandpeas.com | warandpeas.storenvy.com | twitter.com | amazon.com

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Image source: war.and.peas


Image source: war.and.peas

The artists have been creating comics for over 9 years now and say that they’ve changed quite a bit during that time. “We’ve had the privilege to be able to grow individually, but also become more professional as a team,” says the duo. “It’s still hard sometimes, because we don’t always agree, but it’s good, honest work and we try our best,” shared War and Peas about their development throughout the years.”


Image source: war.and.peas


Image source: war.and.peas

The duo says that even though 2020 was a crazy year, they believe that dark humor feeds off of adversity and it even made it easier for them to make jokes. “But at the same time, we’re worried and sad and angry about the things that have happened, just like everyone else. So it sometimes takes a lot of energy to stay focused,” admitted the artists. “At the end of the day, it is our job to make comics, and we try to get paid for it. Sure, the creative industry is really struggling and we’ve felt that too financially. But at the end of the day, we’re hopeful that people will always need to laugh.”


Image source: war.and.peas


Image source: war.and.peas

The artists try to leave politics out of their comics as it usually leaves their fans upset. “If people don’t agree with our values, they don’t have to follow us. We’re fine with fascist followers leaving our realm of laughter,” says the duo.

Check out a fresh batch of War and Peas comics in the gallery below and if you want more, see our previous posts here and here!


Image source: war.and.peas


Image source: war.and.peas


Image source: war.and.peas


Image source: war.and.peas


Image source: war.and.peas


Image source: war.and.peas


Image source: war.and.peas


Image source: war.and.peas


Image source: war.and.peas


Image source: war.and.peas


Image source: war.and.peas


Image source: war.and.peas


Image source: war.and.peas


Image source: war.and.peas


Image source: war.and.peas


Image source: war.and.peas


Image source: war.and.peas


Image source: war.and.peas


Image source: war.and.peas


Image source: war.and.peas


Image source: war.and.peas


Image source: war.and.peas


Image source: war.and.peas


Image source: war.and.peas

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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comics, dark comics, dark humor, funny, War And Peas