35 Random Bizarre Pics Posted On The ‘Cursed Aesthetic’ IG Page

Published 12 months ago

If you’ve had enough of perfectly curated vacation pics and avocado toast shots, let’s introduce you to a peculiar corner on Instagram known as ‘Cursed Aesthetic.’ This intriguing Instagram page is home to a collection of the most bizarre and unsettling images you’ll ever come across.

We’ve collected some random and absolutely bonkers pics from this hilarious page that’ll make you go, “What the heck did I just see?” Check out some of their funniest posts in the gallery below.

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Image source: cursed.aesthetic

Caroline Kimber : “No thank you, pretty sure Samara is hiding in there somewhere.”


Image source: cursed.aesthetic

Winnie the Moo : “This christian Karen definitely made enemies the way she talks…”

DB : “Those are hell peppers.”

𖤐 a m y 𖤐 : “I, for one, would love a free pepper every evening.”


Image source: cursed.aesthetic

JB : “hittin all the high notes”


Image source: cursed.aesthetic

Skinny Pig : “Ok this one is clever, a take on the “women want me, fish fear me” hat”


Image source: cursed.aesthetic

Stefan :  “Never come to work stoned”


Image source: cursed.aesthetic

Skinny Pig : “Shel Silverstein!”


Image source: cursed.aesthetic

Sleepy Panda : “Geez, I just wanted a hotdog, not an existential crisis!”


Image source: cursed.aesthetic

Aly : “Justin Bieber can fly?????”

keyboardtek : “Must be one of those Transcendental Meditating levitators.”


Image source: cursed.aesthetic

Caroline Kimber : “Noooo, why does this dog have a human face?”

┃Cheesychexy┃ : “d-dad?????????????????????”

María Hermida : “Somebody took the wrong dose of polyjuice potion!”


Image source: cursed.aesthetic

┃Cheesychexy┃ : “spongebob is the new dhar man”

Nice Beast Ludo : “You must actually USE the equipment to look like SpongeBob, kids!!”


Image source: cursed.aesthetic

Mark : “Translation: Poland Globe”


Image source: cursed.aesthetic

Trish : “Just keep smiling!”


Image source: cursed.aesthetic

any rei :That is very comforting”


Image source: cursed.aesthetic

Loverboy : “Hey it sends a clear message, it’s important to appreciate what you what.”


Image source: cursed.aesthetic

┃Cheesychexy┃ : “ey bro..got any spare clothes?”

Trish : “Bladder control test.”


Image source: cursed.aesthetic

Loverboy : “No thanks, I prefer to put them in my a-“


Image source: cursed.aesthetic

Sleepy Panda : “Hey, if it works…”


Image source: cursed.aesthetic

Mycroft1967 : “That is the new Hell Hotel. People are dying to get in.”


Image source: cursed.aesthetic

Loverboy : “God, talk about unrealistic standards”


Image source: cursed.aesthetic

Loverboy :Depending on where you live this was probably more expensive than just buying candy”

sbj : “Does this mean you trade one of your kids in for a ciggie”


Image source: cursed.aesthetic

┃Cheesychexy┃ : tired of being alive?

Mycroft1967 : “Release the inner dinosaur within. Seminar Thursday.”


Image source: cursed.aesthetic

Zedrapazia : “Whilst not practical at all, this looks pretty funny”

Cat Chat : “Makes the term “smokes like a chimney” all too real.”


Image source: cursed.aesthetic

Mycroft1967 : “Cause fuse boxes are fun.”

Rinoboyrich : “In Russian accent: “Here is play area. You play now.””


Image source: cursed.aesthetic

Sergy Yeltsen : “I really hope that is rust showing…”


Image source: cursed.aesthetic

Moxitron Jazz : “for the teachers?…”


Image source: cursed.aesthetic

Ranger Kanootsen : “I’m from New Jersey and I don’t know why.”

DB : “Bruce Springsteen is not a valid answer.”


Image source: cursed.aesthetic

Sleepy Panda : “I loved my tinkertoys! Not once did I ever think about creating this monstrosity!”


Image source: cursed.aesthetic

LALALand : “Say pizza to drugs, say no to yes”


Image source: sukorokofff

KiwiTriviaKween (She/Her) : “It makes no difference to me cause I’d still try them all.”


Image source: cursed.aesthetic

Blue Bunny of Happiness : “I need to get one of these…”


Image source: cursed.aesthetic

all 4 paws : “tom and jerry type shi”

Red Hair Blue Soul : “Oh how the turns have tabled”


Image source: cursed.aesthetic


Image source: cursed.aesthetic


Image source: cursed.aesthetic


Image source: cursed.aesthetic

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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cursed pics, Cursed.Aesthetic, funny, funny pics, weird pics