20 Funny Photos Of Couples As Shared On ‘Awkward Family Photos’ Instagram Account
Photos play a huge role in every couple’s life as they form cherishable memories by capturing sweet and salty moments. And if the picture has a funny element, it becomes extra special because the whole family can laugh together looking at them.
Mike Bender, the co-founder of an Instagram account “Awkward family photos”, recently shared some awkward couple photos on Bored Panda. He also said, “At AFP, we laugh with our community, not at them, and let’s face it – we all have cringe photos!” Scroll below to see some photos that he shared in honor of the upcoming Valentine’s day.
More info: Instagram | awkwardfamilyphotos.com
Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos
“When the preacher said ‘Kiss the bride,’ my four-year-old decided to put a finger in my butt.”
Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos
“We were having a great time at my wedding.”
Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos
“My grandmother trying to steal my dad from his new bride!”
Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos
“The only thing I know about this photo is that my parents were at a business event.”
Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos
“They encountered a black metal band during their engagement shoot.”
Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos
“My favorite picture of my parents. Them on their wedding day, 1991.”
Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos
“Dad was sure the church photo would only be taken from the waist up.”
Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos
“Found this version at my grandma’s. If anyone in the family had broken up with a significant other, she had a Sharpie ready to joyfully remove the offending partner.”
Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos
“We had the worst wedding photographer in the world. I think this says it all.”
Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos
“I was going through the pictures when I saw I totally blocked my husband out with my big hair. Then a good friend of mine pointed out the bush in the background looks like a demon.”
Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos
“This is a photo of my Ma and Pop out on a date in the ’80s. My mom must have followed the instructions on my father’s shirt because 9 months later I was born!”
Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos
“My parents leaving their wedding reception for their honeymoon road trip in a VW van. 1971.”
Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos
“This is my parents getting hitched in Oatman, Arizona on the gallows in ’88. Yes, legally.”
Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos
“I photographed my sister-in-law’s wedding (my husband’s sister). I knew the window overlooked a part of the hotel’s roof, but I didn’t notice the workers until after I snapped a few pictures.”
Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos
“After we had just finished 2 hours of wedding photos.”
Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos
“My parents’ wedding photo taken in the early 60s with my mother wearing pan-stick makeup. My mom just looks SO happy, doesn’t she?”
Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos
“My parents in the late 80s. They loved floral!”
Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos
“Here’s my Mom and Dad in September 1970. Credit to the photographer for the special effects pre-photoshop.”
Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos
“I’ve always told my husband that he’s been smitten with me since our first date. It’s easy to understand why when we look back at our engagement pictures.”
Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos
“My sister is the one who has wisely chosen not to participate in this smooch-fest.”
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