20 Funny Comics Illustrating The Everyday Life In The Retail Sector (New Pics)
Many artists take inspiration from things around them and Stephen Beals is one of them. The creator of “Adult Children” comics says that “adulthood seems to be a myth we tell children in order to get them to behave.”
Stephen’s comics are based on his everyday life as he illustrates the struggles and funny scenarios faced by people who work in retail. Check out his relatable and funny comics in the gallery below. And if you are interested in more works by this artist, don’t forget to check out our previous post here.
More info: Instagram | twitter.com | Facebook | stbeals.com
Image source: stbeals
Image source: stbeals
Image source: stbeals
Image source: stbeals
Image source: stbeals
Image source: stbeals
Image source: stbeals
Image source: stbeals
Image source: stbeals
Image source: stbeals
Image source: stbeals
Image source: stbeals
Image source: stbeals
Image source: stbeals
Image source: stbeals
Image source: stbeals
Image source: stbeals
Image source: stbeals
Image source: stbeals
Image source: stbeals
Got wisdom to pour?
The “retail is easy” crowd are a buncha twunts. (I didn’t curse but you got it if you’re not a total moron) Retail workers are accosted by a slew of Karens, Kyles & Chads daily. You people forget where you came from or never had a retail job or any job that builds character or manners. Like waiting tables, etc. You all want Nordstrom customer service and Dollar Tree prices. Nobody has to set themselves on fire to warm your unearned egos. Cram it up your stuck up cracks sideways.
Retail is easy as fuck… Well the work itself is… If you worked retail and all the customers were patient understanding and kind and you could sit when ever you wanted… It’s be childs work mostly. It’s the aspects of life that make retail suck… Low pay, ass hole customers, dumb ass bosses who couldn’t make it in a better job so now they manage a bunch of lazy assholes who are a mix of lazy gen z’s who call out sick ever five min and winney millennials and never made it boomers. Its hard
You do realize there’s KIDS on this platform, you fucking idiot!
Very relatable comics, I recognize myself in many of them. But how can one write 20 comics without a single funny punchline?
Because your are German.
Nothing better then working in retail, getting paid and treated like shit for killing yourself everyday. Good times!
The 50 cents for selling the credit card is the most accurate thing ever cough cough “Kohl’s”
Store credit cards are a trap designed to milk someone to death. “10% off right now!! (And then a 29% interest rate on your balance)”
Nothing as funny as boomer comics made by financially abused millenials 😐
I know it’s retail related but it fits right into nursing
Nothing better then working in retail, getting paid and treated like shit for killing yourself everyday. Good times 😅
I worked retail for a few years, not too long ago. I promise you, if you’re “killing yourself” while doing it, you’re either working way too hard, or aren’t ready for a job in literally any other field. Yes, it can be annoying because customers are entitled morons, but it’s hardly Thunderdome. As far as pay, it doesn’t take a whole lot of skill or intelligence to ring up customers (the register even does the math for you; you simply have to scan the tags), restock shelves, or fold clothes. If you want better pay, seek a job that can’t be done by a well-trained monkey. No offense meant – Like I said, I did it, a relatively short time ago. But I didn’t have any delusions about how much the pay should be, compared to the training and effort required of the job. It’s not brain surgery.
I love the commenter who says retail is just scanning tags, stocking shelves and folding clothes which tells me they probably worked retail in a small podunkntown or a very high end boutique where mommy and daddy knew the owner. Real retail also entails being mentally abused by customers andmanagement and staff
Lol many of these are exactly why I quit working retail 😅
None of these are funny.
If you think retail work is hard, you are not prepared for any other job.
I worked retail while I put myself through college. It was the easiest job I ever had.
The “retail is easy” crowd are a buncha twunts. (I didn’t curse but you got it if you’re not a total moron) Retail workers are accosted by a slew of Karens, Kyles & Chads daily. You people forget where you came from or never had a retail job or any job that builds character or manners. Like waiting tables, etc. You all want Nordstrom customer service and Dollar Tree prices. Nobody has to set themselves on fire to warm your unearned egos. Cram it up your stuck up cracks sideways.