30 Of The Dumbest Customer Encounters Shared By Employees
Certain customers really love to abuse the saying “The customer is always right”, especially when it comes to returning broken things, getting discounts, or being a general nuisance. And anyone who has ever worked in retail will tell you that whoever came up with it should be forced to deal with these types of customers for the rest of their lives.
Retail workers are sharing stories about the most clueless and rude customers they had to deal with, and they’ll prove that common sense is not that common after all. From barging into stores before opening time to treating the staff like they aren’t even people, check out a collection of customers from hell in the gallery below!
Image source: ohmygoshaavash
Image source: clientsfromhell
Image source: xoannaababyy
Image source: imgur.com
Image source: fallen-gravity
Image source: ladyyatexel
Image source: Addison_Peacock
Image source: sarge-m
Image source: tumblr
Image source: veterinaryhumor
Image source: Moonpie_Luna
Image source: peacelovepositivity_
Image source: lucipurrrrr666
Image source: xxkaileyx
Image source: collegefessing
Image source: daisy-babyy
Image source: hylianraichu
Image source: ehanda21
Image source: _SayLee
Image source: ArawnNox
Image source: norbellaromo
Image source: creatingchaoswithin
Image source: mbz321
Image source: Mustaaandaaaaa
Image source: EssenceBeasley
Image source: gallusrostromegalus
Image source: Juris_Sequoia
Image source: junior_derose
Got wisdom to pour?
Good service is also essential for customer retention https://mediaonemarketing.com.sg/benefits-customer-service-documentation/ . If the client is not satisfied with the purchase or service agreement, he will not return. Even worse, it can tarnish your brand. A satisfied customer is more likely to come back with more requests and will also recommend your product or service to friends, family, or colleagues.