20 Hilarious Tweets That Sum Up The Holiday Season Of Parents
Christmas can be a stressful time for parents. Maintaining traditions, playing games, and fooling your child about stories of Santa Claus and “Elf on the Shelf” is harder than you can imagine. Sometimes, for parents, the holiday season also serves as a good bonding time with children.
If you have children, you might relate to these parents who shared their experiences by tweeting them. Scroll below to see some of the most relatable and funny things parents are sharing this holiday season.
Image source: xo_laaaay
Image source: dawnalana2
Image source: HenpeckedHal
Image source: simoncholland
Image source: TheAlexNevil
Image source: gfishandnuggets
Image source: yenniwhite
Image source: momtransparent1
Image source: Social_Mime
Image source: XplodingUnicorn
Image source: XplodingUnicorn
Image source: mom_tho
Image source: dadmann_walking
Image source: HenpeckedHal
Image source: ParentNormal
Image source: Lhlodder
Image source: sarcasticmommy4
Image source: MamaFizzles
Image source: PaigeKellerman
Image source: KarenReneK
Got wisdom to pour?
(2) How lovely is that? What a thoughtful daughter.
(3) Doesn’t think much of Dad then. (4) Then you knew why. (6) Don’t spoil the illusion!
(7) Aren’t they all? (9) You must really love your brother!
(18) Ahhh! The joys of being a parent…..