30 Times Funny Christmas Gifts Made People Laugh

Published 2 years ago

Christmas is over and it’s time to reveal what gifts everyone got this year. When it comes to Christmas gifts, there are good ones and bad ones– and then there is a whole different category of funny ones!

Today, we’ll talk about all sorts of funny gifts people received this year. From ugly sweaters to hilarious cards, people shared on the internet all the funny things they got. Scroll down to see them in the gallery below. And if you want ideas for more funny gifts, check out our previous posts here and here.

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#1 A Friend Got Our Cat A Tiny Poncho And Sombrero For Christmas And I Can’t Handle It

Image source: GOpencyprep

#2 Finished My Christmas Present For My Little Sister

Image source: metal_paper

#3 Somehow I Get The Impression That My Dad’s Girlfriend Doesn’t Like Me. Evidence Of A Christmas Gift

Image source: Mighty_Vulcan

#4 My Uncle Pissed Me Off So I Made His 3 Young Sons Rubber Band Shooters For Christmas

Image source: chuffberry

#5 Simpsons Shoes I Painted For A Christmas Gift

Image source: Czarvana

#6 Maybe Not The Smartest Secret Santa Gift For The Boss In A Recession Year

Image source: bsnr1

#7 My Son Just Wanted Gift Cards For Christmas. This Is How We Wrapped Them. Santa’s Reindeer

Image source: jokingly_Josie

#8 Just Finished Making My BF’s Christmas Gift

Image source: potent_potables_

#9 My Partner Knit Me A Giant Sock For Christmas

Image source: sashasimply

#10 My Sister-In-Law Got Steve Buscemi Leggings For Christmas

Image source: deepsouthsloth

#11 I Made My Own Gift For My Workplace Christmas Gift Swap. I’m Proud To Say It Was Stolen Repeatedly

Image source: Arastmaus

#12 My Boyfriend Wanted To See An Insult Version Of Those “Why I Love You” Bottles. Here’s What I Made Him For Christmas

Image source: hanrar11

#13 Yes, It Is Embroidered Toilet Paper. Great White Elephant Gift

Image source: simplystitchin

#14 Hope My Family Likes My Christmas Gift To Them

Image source: Dorsia1987

#15 For Tonight’s Christmas Gift Exchange, I Made My Own Cover Label On A Box Of Wine

Image source: reddit.com

#16 My Dad Always Guesses His Christmas Gift Before He Opens It. Think He’ll Know He’s Getting Wrenches?

Image source: ourhero1

#17 Every Year I Get My Family Gag Gifts For Christmas That Involve My Dog. This Year, It’s LEGO Penny

Image source: Lotan

#18 Homer’s Spice Rack. Made For A Gift Exchange

Image source: cle1110

#19 Just Opened My Lovely Gift Off Our Ethan’s Lass And Laughed That Much Was Crying. Thanks Again Chloe… It’s Those Little Things

Image source: boro_bulldogs

#20 Gave My Pirate-Loving Landlord His Christmas Gift Last Night: January’s Rent. In Coins. His Response: “You’re Both Awesome And Huge Jerks”

Image source: tenbits

#21 This Office Themed Guess Who Game My Wife Made Me For Christmas

Image source: Atticus462

#22 My Wife’s Christmas Present To Me

Image source: tb12-GOAT-4-pres

#23 This Chinese Wrapping Paper

Image source: ClinicalIllusionist

#24 Of Course, My 85-Year-Old Grandma Would Get My White Elephant

Image source: Conr8r

#25 I’m 24 And Still Living With My Parents. This Is What I Got For Christmas

Image source: cheetahkk

#26 My Dad Thought He’d Given Me The Perfect Gift At An Early Christmas Gathering (He Did)

Image source: kawaiichristian

#27 I Ran Out Of Wrapping Paper For One Last Little Gift, But I Have A Printer And Paper So

Image source: unbaileyvable

#28 My Buddy Has Been An EMT For A Few Years. We Left Him A Gift Since He Hasn’t Had A Lunch Box After An Accident And Was Happy To Have A New One

Image source: Pyrojodge

#29 My Dog And I Got Matching Socks For Christmas

Image source: Nickw1116

#30 My Girlfriend And I Fought And Didn’t Talk For 3 Days So I Sent Her An Amazon Gift With This As The Message

Image source: KOTORbayani

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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christmas gift ideas, Christmas Gifts, funny, funny christmas gifts, funny gift ideas, funny gifts