20 Fun Memes For Those Who Chose The Childfree Lifestyle
In days gone by, the majority of society focused on buying a house and having kids but the priorities of today’s public have changed dramatically in contrast. It’s becoming more and more common to see women choosing to focus on their careers or their education over child-rearing.
In fact, 1 in 5 US adults admit that they are delaying starting a family or choose not to have one at all at this time. Rather, folks would prefer to adopt an animal and give them a better life than bring another baby into an already overpopulated world. The subreddit, ‘Child-Free Memes‘ and the Instagram page ‘Child Free Memes‘ share the most accurate posts on the topic and we’ve found a few of their most relatable to share with you in the gallery below.
#1 Thanos Was Right?
Image source: reddit.com
Image source: childfreememes
#3 One Of My Favourites
Image source: skiezer
Image source: TheRachelFisher
#5 Shocker, But It Has To Be Said
Image source: SpaceMyopia
Image source: childfreememes
#7 Hehe
Image source: thechildfreelife
Image source: ulxma
Image source: childfreememes
Image source: childfreememes
#11 They Are Irritating
Image source: reddit.com
Image source: childfreememes
Image source: childfreememes
#14 Democracy
Image source: reddit.com
#15 Atleast 3 Money
Image source: grrlindz
Image source: childfreememes
#17 Anytime They Ask
Image source: Affectionate-Age-597
#18 Turn Abouts Fair Play
Image source: Headphone_Jill
#19 Yeet!
Image source: iwasborntoodeep
Image source: emotionalsupportmeme
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