35 Posts That May Make You Laugh And Cry At The Same Time
The things happening around the world can be bleak enough to send anyone off into a pretty big downer if we dwell on it too long. War, violence, natural disasters, inept governments and more have been sucking the life out of people for quite a while. But one way we have learned to adapt to keep our chins up is by applying humour to these situations so we don’t spiral out of control.
The “Funny and Sad” community in particular is dedicated to keeping people in the loop about all the appalling things going on while making it more palatable so we don’t all just want to give up hope altogether. We’ve combed through their content to find the best posts that balance these two opposing emotions enough to give us a relatable experience, as you can see below.
More info: Reddit
#1 Why This Happened Our In Country?
Image source: Comfortablejack, AOC
#2 The 1% Has To Go
Image source: Sensitive-Jury-1456
#3 Makes You Think
Image source: Green____cat, jimrossignol
#4 It Is A Facepalm To %1 Billionaires
Image source: Sensitive-Jury-1456, robertgreenwald
#5 The Dad Had No Reason To Be Angry – It’s The Truth
Image source: Green____cat
#6 Well Said
Image source: ColdCali1, trom771
#7 Gay
Image source: Whiz_Chicken, mhdksafa
#8 The Wage Gap Has Been
Image source: Sensitive-Jury-1456, reeces
#9 This Is Exactly What It Feels Like
Image source: BarbieTheeStallion
#10 Just Like Religion Shouldn’t Play A Factor As Well
#11 This
Image source: SophiaLuuna, original-plastic
#12 Interesting
Image source: BarronGreen89
#13 Funny
Image source: Resident_Fan_6410, DrVonBraun
#14 This Actually Happened To You?
Image source: John_1992_funny, DarrigoMelanie
#15 Capitalism Cannot Survive Without Poverty
Image source: joker0z0
#16 Wanting Or Being Able To Is The Issue
Image source: Junior_guy87
#17 So Controversial
Image source: Sensitive-Jury-1456
#18 Wtf
Image source: CuteAngryGirl
#19 This Is Just Sad
Image source: yeezee93
#20 Pls, Why Is The World So Bad
Image source: Devils_negotiator, sistersinead
#21 Class Solidarity Now
Image source: CapitanJackSparow-33, iconickbeauty
#22 Democracy
Image source: I_Always_Have_To_Poo, Dadsaysjokes
#23 Lmfao
Image source: Devils_negotiator
#24 Let’s That Sink In Already
Image source: Alone-Translator-155, TalbertSwan
#25 Nintendo
Image source: Green____cat, Voodoo_Pork
#26 People Would Really Say That
Image source: Green____cat, SketchesbyBoze
#27 Faith, Lmfao
Image source: Devils_negotiator, eevee
#28 Blaming Us For The World They Created
Image source: sapphirestar411, wirestock / freepik
#29 Women Are Humans, Really?
Image source: Devils_negotiator
#30 Well, It’s True Isn’t?
Image source: sultanhobbs
#31 No Guys, Capitalism Works I Swear
Image source: Sensitive-Jury-1456, RBReich
#32 “F**k You, I Got Mine!”
Image source: MelanieWalmartinez
#33 That Is A Fact
Image source: Isla_RC
#34 Amen
Image source: Robyn_SL
#35 I Think This Fits Well Here
Image source: karaloveskate
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