Glowing “Bike Balls” Keep Cyclists Safe At Night
Do you think that your bicycle needs balls? ‘Cause now it can, with aptly named Bike Balls! The short explanation is that its silicone recreation of testicles that hangs under your bike. The creators say that it gives “overconfidence and safety”.
However, there’s more to the product than just “TruckNutz For Bikes”. The dangling balls increase the safety of cyclist via two important factors: light and movement. It gives a bigger lit surface than regular single-LED bike light while the erratic movement of the swinging testes captures attention better than regular light. Plus, it’s the saying “it takes balls to do it” – meaning that you need to be brave to do it – encased in silicone and hung on your bike. Because let’s be reasonable, cyclists face various dangers on the streets.
The Bike Balls Team came up with the idea because they found it inconvenien tohang LED lights on their bikes. They took the idea to Kickstarter and got the money needed in three days. Bike Balls are run by two replaceable coin cell batteries, the whole thing is encased in high grade silicone (making it resistant to the elements) and the switch is integrated into the casing to ease assembly.
So, do you have the balls to hang bike balls on your bike?
More info: balls.bike | kickstarter | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter (h/t: boredpanda)
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