20 Horrible Ads That Were Actually Approved And Released To The Public

Published 1 year ago

We’ve seen ads that stand out and really get their message across in an unusual but appreciable manner. You’ve probably read an article or two dedicated to admiring such creativity right here on our page.

However, what happens when ads go wrong? Some ads leave us indifferent and unaffected, but some ads make us wonder what was going on in the creators’ minds and even the management who chose to approve such an ad. The latest Balenciaga fiasco comes to mind. Check out some similar creations from the marketing world that show poor graphic design elements to coincidental placements that come off as somewhat tone-deaf below. Either way, it’s an amusing collection and we promise these fails are worth the scroll. 

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#1 That’s The Best Photo They Could Get Of A Kid Getting A Haircut

Image source: g_nome7

#2 This Is Fanta Advertisement, And Something Is Wrong With Her Arm

Image source: coolocole

#3 This Advertisement Was In A Parenting Magazine, And It Was For Yogurt

Image source: holyroller801

#4 Keanu Reeves And His New Movie “Jim Nhock 3”

Image source: sam_clements

#5 This Billboard Ad Peeling Off

Image source: Jimachi

#6 The Irony

Image source: ZombieMam

#7 The Girl In This Advertisement Looks Like A Stroke Victim

Image source: fakeg1rl

#8 This Bench Advertises That “No Kid Should Ever Have To Sleep On The Streets” And Then Adds Bars So Homeless People Can’t Sleep On The Bench

Image source: Arcade_Maggot_Bones

#9 This Church Has Some Rather Unfortunate Ad Placement For Its Bible Camp

Image source: LunaMcLovin

#10 It Doesn’t Look Like It Was Repaired

Image source: oliverodaa

#11 This Ad In My Print Copy Of The New Yorker. I Tried To Click It, And Nothing Happened. Total Scam

Image source: crispytacofan

#12 That Could’ve Been A Nice Ad For Linux Or Something

Image source: rSoftwareGore

#13 The Head Of This Advertisement Should Probably Be Fired

Image source: Meacaveman

#14 This Ad

Image source: boomboonpow

#15 This Pillow Is So Good You’d Rather Use Your Hands To Sleep On

Image source: Mrsheenshine

#16 I Don’t Even Know What Is This

Image source: howsitgoing-kevin

#17 These Billboard Placements

Image source: PhoneDojo

#18 There’s An Optometrist Business Near My House That Has This Giant Poster Outside Advertising Colored Contacts. It Seems To Have Aged In A “Is That A Demon?” Way

Image source: philosophyfirst1989

#19 This Ad In My Town Scorched Out By The Sun, Looks Like A Poster From A Horror Movie

Image source: inderumwelt

#20 A New Movie Coming Out: “Lemen The Gent” Directed By The Guy

Image source: ForgiveMePapa

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



advertising, advertising fails, bad marketing, fails, funny, marketing fails