40 Hilarious ‘Fun With Science’ Memes
If you’ve got a good sense of humour and tend to geek out over academia then the Fun With Science Instagram account is the place for you. Rife with light-hearted memes on anything to do with learning, history, culture, and science, this page’s content is witty and funny. Please scroll below to check out some of their most entertaining posts which we’ve shared in the gallery below for your perusal.
Image source: quantum_infinity
Phoenix: Politics at it’s finest.
Image source: quantum_infinity
Image source: quantum_infinity, tumblr.com
Image source: quantum_infinity, x.com
Abel: And the liver and diafragm start screaming.
Image source: quantum_infinity
Dan Flo (edited): Perhaps the same person who looked at a cow and thought the same thing?
Image source: quantum_infinity
Pandemonium: What a prime joke!
Image source: quantum_infinity
Louise Clarke: I had a dentist named Dr. Payne
Image source: quantum_infinity
JJ: In German it would be “basketties” (= Körbchen = small baskets).
Image source: quantum_infinity, tumblr.com
Luke Branwen: These two also invented Minecraft. Tesla: CRAFT. Edison: MINE.
Image source: quantum_infinity, x.com
Cooking Panda: Nothing can satisfy Asian moms. NOTHING!
Image source: quantum_infinity, tumblr.com
Cooking Panda: To me, Pluto will forever be a planet 🤗
Image source: quantum_infinity, tumblr.com
Image source: quantum_infinity
PrettyJoyBird: Vamoose ya vile vermin
Image source: quantum_infinity
John Mosley (edited): As opposed to my donkey where grass goes in and just gas comes out. And the mule, grass goes in and sass comes out!
Image source: quantum_infinity
Image source: quantum_infinity
Pandemonium: Explain this to me, but please be brief
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Image source: quantum_infinity
Image source: quantum_infinity
Image source: quantum_infinity
Pandemonium: … and stop calling me “Bobby”!
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Image source: quantum_infinity
Image source: quantum_infinity
Image source: quantum_infinity
keyboardtek (edited): No one knows how many people are creating original thoughts as many of those people are anonymous and not in any positions of influence. In fact I would state that most people in positions of power and influence got there not for their original thinking, but because of greed and ambition.
Image source: quantum_infinity, x.com
Felipe Souza: For the first time, Neil is wrong
Image source: quantum_infinity
General Anaesthesia (edited): Don’t worry, kid, it’s the strong silent ones that cause an exodus.
Image source: quantum_infinity
Image source: quantum_infinity
Ash: they had to put that warning on because somebody in the previous generation tried it.
Image source: quantum_infinity, thebaconsandwichofregret.tumblr.com
Image source: quantum_infinity
Did I say that out loud? (he/him)cis/het: “I hope you didn’t make any plans for tomorrow “
Image source: quantum_infinity
Image source: quantum_infinity
Pandemonium: Better head to confession ‘cuz a pun that bad is a sin
Image source: quantum_infinity, tumblr.com
Sharkfin6: Idk what single-for-too-long person needs to hear this but that married man is not gonna leave their family for you.
Image source: quantum_infinity
Anita: Unless the maid is male of course
Image source: quantum_infinity
Lego Man: I thought I knew how they worked before but this explanation has me questioning myself 😂
Image source: quantum_infinity, tumblr.com
Image source: quantum_infinity, x.com
Phoenix: Even the emus won the Great Emu War of 1932. So, that makes them the good guys.
Image source: quantum_infinity
Image source: quantum_infinity, x.com
Shark Lady: When I had the period talk with my daughter she burst into tears tells me she didn’t want to bleed every month. None of us do kiddo,
Image source: quantum_infinity
char: yesterday, it took me three tries to remember my girlfriend’s name, kept coming up with similar sounding ones. brain just don’t be braining sometimes
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