Cheap Vs. Frugal: 25 Distinctions According To People

Published 3 hours ago

In a world that runs on money, we are all for cost-saving efforts. Cycling to work instead of driving, repurposing used clothes to make pillowcases etc.,  sound like clever cost-cutting measures anyone can get on board with. However, there is a distinct line between frugality and being a cheapskate. If being on a budget affects someone’s health or safety, people immediately feel that it crosses over to the side of cheapness. 

So when one Redditor posted online asking, “When does frugal become cheap?” folks eagerly responded with their opinions on the matter. We perused the answers to find the most popular suggestions amongst Netizens and shared them in the gallery below. 

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Image source: foxyfree, Spolyakov

My husband says I’m cheap because I refuse to get an uber in nice weather and will ride my bicycle 40 minutes to an appointment instead. I call that healthy and frugal. He offered to pay for it and I still can’t, just on principle. This is on a day where I have plenty of time to get there and back.


Image source: 4-me, Sutherland

Frugal is cutting the ends off your onions to plant and grow more onions. Cheap is grabbing a bunch of straws/condiments from a restaurant to use at home. One helps the world, the other mooches from it.


Image source: Deirdre Chalmers,

A frugal person doesn’t want to waste money. A cheap person doesn’t want to spend it.


Image source: Frances Holliday Alford, Curated Lifestyle

Cheap is mean. Frugal is being careful. Cheap is unkind to yourself and others. Frugal is careful respect for your resources.


Frugal ain’t cheap. You have to have money to be frugal.
Frugal is paying $400 for a pair of boots that will last 10 years instead of $100 for a pair that will last one.
That’s why being poor can be so expensive.

Image source: Quicksdraw


Image source: p38-lightning, Mike Bird

Buying tires when they’re on sale is frugal. Riding around on bald tires is cheap.


Image source: Flashy_Sleep3493, Anna Shvets

Frugality is spending good but fair money on what’s important to you, and scrimping on what isn’t.

Cheap is paying the least amount, regardless of importance or circumstances, across the board.


Image source: sanfranchristo, Ono Kosuki

When it costs you time—which has no price. At some point, shopping around or not wanting to pay for things in order to do them yourself can cost you more in time than it’s worth.


Image source: Zerthax, Mizzu Cho

It becomes cheap if it impacts health or safety, or is done at someone else’s expense.


Image source: Jmkott, Getty Images

Cheap is turning off your heat and hot water. Frugal is finding the most efficient way method and temps to keep heat and hot water comfortable.


Image source: stusic, Paul Stam

Frugal is spending your money wisely. Cheap is always buying the lowest-priced item.


Image source: crazycatlady331, Gera Cejas

When it affects other people. Being frugal is eating at home instead of eating out. Being cheap is eating out and stiffing the server (US).


Image source: karebear66, Liza Summer

Frugal means to me getting a good value without overspending. Cheap is just getting c**p things and paying as little as possible.


Image source: wellok456, Nathan Cowley

This is how I delineate between the two:

Frugality is minimizing cost/resources while maximizing benefit. These can be quality, comfort, etc. Generally it is a mix of all the things you value in life. Frugality is a calculated net benefit.

Cheap you are minimizing cost at the expense of everything else. This may negatively impact things that should matter to you like relationships, health, hygiene, being a good neighbor, etc. It is only a net benefit if you look at price and ignore everything else of a more intangible value.


Image source: behold_the_pagentry, Kim Stiver

When it starts to bleed into relationships. Like gifts for kids birthdays, not acknowledging special occasions like anniversaries, birthdays, etc. I choose to be frugal in my own life, but I also budget for gifts for friends and family.

Also, we have a thing in work where people voluntarily give up 2 dollars per pay period. It goes into an account and we use it for little parties, BBQ’s, gifts/flowers for employees who had a baby or lost a loved one etc. Had 1 guy out of prob 80 of us who said no. When the Xmas party or the BBQ rolls around he’s right there with a plate. When you do the math, over the course of a year, its like $0.07 a day to not look like a jerk.


Image source: sauerkrautfan, Mikhail Nilov

Frugal becomes cheap as soon as your choices start to affect others.

EX: Your friend has a birthday and is having dinner at a restaurant to celebrate. Because you are frugal, you set yourself a spending limit; you buy an entrée but no drink, and get them a card and a small gift.

EX #2: Your friend has a birthday and is having dinner at a restaurant to celebrate. Because you are cheap, you go in wanting to spend as little as possible; you buy an appetizer while complaining about how expensive everything is. Perhaps you give a gift or you don’t.


Image source: DaCrazyJamez, Yan Krukau

Frugal is being smart about the money you spend. Cheap is being stupid about the money you don’t.


Image source: MuyLeche, Gary Barnes

I think if you’re jumping through an insane amount of hoops to save a couple dollars is when it becomes cheap. Like being frugal to me is buying homebrew store-brand coffee versus a daily Starbucks, or cutting out coffee daily. Cheap would be hitting the motel 30 minutes away for their lobby coffee because it’s free.


Image source: OokLeeNooma, Artem Beliaikin

When it costs 1/2 as much but doesn’t even last 1/2 as long.


Image source: dayankuo234,

Budget vs cheap. low price vs low price AND low quality. you don’t want something with low quality.

e.g. budget socks $1 a pair that lasts a few years, vs cheap uncomfortable socks $0.33 a pair that get holes after a few months.


Image source: anon, Anna Shvets

When it impacts comfort.

I buy store brand things, but I’m a snob on somethings like ketchup.

I buy Costco toilet paper, but if its thin 2 ply, I’m going to splurge.

1200 thread count sheets. You spend 1/3 of your life there, spend the money.


Image source: Emotional_Ice, Tima Miroshnichenko

I knew a guy in the ’80s that made his kids have water on their cereal. That’s cheap. He would also turn off the pilot light on his water heater…


Image source: anthonymakey, TLC

The show “Extreme Cheapskates” has entered the chat. Some of those people spend more trying to save money and really affect their and their children’s quality of life.


Image source: anon, Alexandra Maria

Cheap: buying the cheapest shoes. Frugal: buying more expensive shoes that’ll last. Neither: buying all sorts of shoes to match different outfits.

Cheap: saving expired food. Frugal: planning meals so your food doesn’t expire in the first place. Neither: doordash.

Cheap: taking cold showers. Frugal: taking a regular shower- there are other ways to save without being cheap. Neither: long, hot showers.

Cheap: not dating or having hobbies. Frugal: knowing what’s worth your time and money to make your life feel fulfilled. Neither: spending on things that you don’t even like, wasting time, or just never doing anything.

I don’t think cheap and frugal are even close, actually. Frugal is just being thoughtful with your time and money if you ask me.


Image source: Underhill86, Andrea Piacquadio

Frugal is making the best of what you have. Cheap is refusing to make the best of what you have when there is an option to scrimp harder.

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



budget, cheap, cheapskate, cost cutting, Frugal, money