25 People Reflect On The Reason For Them To Not Speak To Their Former Bestie
Choosing to go NC or “no-contact” with anyone, let alone a best friend is not an easy decision to make. Sometimes it can be out of your hands, like in the case of my best friend who passed away suddenly in her mid-thirties or it can be an active choice on the part of an individual to cut ties with their bestie because of toxic behaviours they’ve noticed. Either way, it’s a heartbreaking experience to lose someone that you loved, even if the sentiment may not necessarily be reciprocated. Recently, the topic came up in a Reddit discussion and folks got raw and honest with the reasons that led to them giving the silent treatment to someone whom they thought was a soulmate explaining why they chose to walk away, even though it hurt them to do so.
Image source: No-Solid-4255, pvproductions / freepik
Because I terminated a complicated pregnancy.
She sure wears that p***y hat and feminist sweatshirt proudly. .
Image source: holdonwhileipoop, rodvaljulio / Envato
She slept with my husband while I was in the hospital *having his baby*.
Image source: Simple-Wrangler-9909, freepik
F****r went and died on me.
Image source: PitBullFan, freepik
He surrendered his dog back to the shelter, after 5 years of owning him.
His name was Dusty. He was a golden retriever, and he was the best boy ever. I would play fetch with him for hours until he would nearly pass out at my feet. Dusty was amazing! I loved him.
One day, I go over to Dale’s house, and I say “Where’s Dusty?” He answers “Oh, I gave him back to the shelter.”
Me ~ “F**k! Why??!?!”
Dale ~ “I only got him so that I could meet girls easier, and now that I’m married I don’t need him anymore. Besides, having a dog is a lot of responsibility.”
Me ~ “But you knew how I felt about him. WHY didn’t you ask me? I would have gladly adopted him!”
Dale ~ “You know, I never even thought of that.”
I left immediately and drove to the shelter. Dusty had already found a new home. So, I’m sad and glad in the same moment.
F**k you, Dale. You’re a d**k and I’m glad your wife finally divorced your selfish a*s.
Image source: Responsible-Onion860, freepik
My dad died. I asked if a few of my friends would hang out and have a low-key night playing video games. I told them I didn’t want to have a big party. They said that was cool. I showed up and they’d invited a ton of people for a huge house party. Then they got pissed that I was “just sulking on the couch” and got s****y with me. Our friendship never recovered and now we don’t talk at all.
Image source: healingalltheway, freepik
The second I got brain cancer I stopped being included in their lives.
Image source: softshoulder313, prostooleh / freepik
Friends for 20 years. She didn’t drive so pretty much the entire friendship I would take her grocery shopping every week. I took her cats to the vet. Helped her when she lost her house. For 20 years I asked her for nothing.
My husband ended up suddenly being diagnosed with brain cancer. The day he was released from the hospital after having a tumor the size of a lemon removed, I called in a prescription he needed and our local pharmacy didn’t have it so I would have to drive an hour round trip and my husband wasn’t able to handle that amount of time in the car so I called to ask if she could stay with him while I got his meds. She told me no because she wanted to go to the store with her boyfriend. I called my neighbor and she watched him.
I never talked to her again. It’s been almost 10 years.

Car Troubles: Two Men Inspecting Engine Under Hood on Highway
Image source: 4benny2lava0, MikeShots / Envato
We always worked on his car together. I always worked on my car alone.
Image source: kytamore, nikolast1 / Envato
She told my kids they were the reason I tried to self delete. 25 years of friendship, someone I talked to every day no matter what state or country she was stationed in. I don’t even have to words to describe the emotion I feel. Heartbreak, anger, confusion… none of them apply. I’m just numb to her.

Five young adult friends in park
Image source: ImInJeopardy, imagesourcecurated / envato
I met some new people and I noticed that I liked hanging out with them more because they didn’t make me feel like c**p. I didn’t really notice it at the time but looking back on it now, I realize that the guy I considered my best friend was actually my biggest bully. He was constantly insulting me, embarrassing me on front of other people, belittling me… And I just thought that’s what friends did. I had to make real friends to learn that’s not the case.
Image source: Starkscream, Drazen Zigic / freepik
Didn’t end it myself, but accepted it ended when I realized if I stopped talking, I’d never hear from him again.
Image source: Virtual-Werewolf-310, GaudiLab / envato
We were friends for over 40 years. Friends since childhood.
We entered into a business together and he completely screwed me over, taking most of the money with him, and leaving me in crushing debt.
Years later I asked why he did it. His answer; “Because you’re an atheist. You rejected god, so you deserve everything you get.”
And that, was that.
Image source: anon, EyeEm / freepik
He robbed me of a pathetically small amount of money that I would have given him if he had just asked.
Image source: Miss_Fierce, garetsvisual / freepik
She texted me she was taking a bottle of pills, a goodbye letter to her mom, and all her passwords and info because she was committing s*****e while I was 2 hours away. She wouldn’t answer the phone for 20 minutes. I called 911.
She blamed me for an ambulance showing up to her apartment for a wellness check and said I overreacted.
Image source: blaidd_halfwolf, DC_Studio / Envato
Best friend threw a party. Another friend sexually harassed me at said party. Tried to tell my best friend what happened and she said in these exact words “You should try seeing it from her side.” A whole lot of drama ensued afterward, which resulted in me losing all of my friends from that friend group. It really f*****g sucked but I’m doing my best to move on from the situation.
Image source: oh_sheaintright, YuriArcursPeopleimages / envato
Every problem she had was an emergency that I needed to drop everything for and give her my undivided immediate attention. But when I was having a rough time, the reply I got from her was ‘stop your s**t’.
Image source: _Royal_Insylum, freepik
Didn’t want to be her friend anymore.. So now we’re engaged!
Image source: glitternails74, Anastasia Kazakova / freepik
I just couldn’t get on board with her anymore. Her fake influencer job, genuinely believing she was a psychic. Raising her child on benefits but preaching to her followers that they should all follow their dreams and quit their job like her. Anti vaxxer. Doesn’t wear a seatbelt when driving because she thinks it’s more likely to k**l her in a crash. The list goes on. I just can’t resonate with any of her beliefs anymore.
Image source: mr_kenobi, pikisuperstar / freepik
He told me he was gonna steal my girlfriend and then proceeded to steal my girlfriend. Man of his word at least.
Image source: KingLeopard40063, freepik
Realized he was using me the whole 10 year friendship. Dude also was really controlling and just a massive hypocrite.
It got even worse when dude became more religious. He just became this sanctimonious a*****e.
Looking back I was warned about him by multiple people that this is who he is.
When I blocked him I swear it felt like a weight had been lifted.
Image source: lilwolfie420, freepik
In 2018, I was really sick with kidney failure and was in and out of the ER multiple times before I finally got diagnosed with CKD.
My friend didn’t like that I was getting a lot of attention from our other friends and people in our small town. She decides to go around school and lie to people, saying I was lying about being sick and just wanted attention.
When I was finally getting better and was actually home for more then a few days she came over with a few of her friends and was laughing trying to embarrass me infront of them trying to get me to say I was infact lying about being sick.
Wasn’t until I pulled out all the meds I was on and proved that I was yellowish in the skin (it was f*****g obvious when you actually looked at my eyes)
I Embarrassed her infront of everyone she cried and played victim. Ran out the house and I haven’t talked to her since.
Bit sad bc we wore friends since kindergarten, but I igs that’s what jealousy does to people so 🤷♀️🤷♀️.
Image source: Actrivia24, freepik
We had a dumb teenage falling out and both of us were too stubborn to reach out and apologize. Finally about 4 years later I reach out and we meet in person and reconcile. It was a nice reconciliation but we were never as close after that. I also realized in hindsight through the whole ordeal that I was always the one who had to be the “adult” or bigger person in our friendship. I think that’s why I waited 4 years to reach out, I wanted to see if they cared enough about me or the friendship to do it. And after we reconciled it felt like the responsibility to keep the friendship going was solely on me. As you grow up and make new friends in adulthood, you reach a point where you end friendships that are more work than they should be. In hindsight our friendship would have ended with or without the falling out, the falling out just made it happen sooner.
To this day I consider them my greatest childhood friend. But I don’t think our friendship was made to last into adulthood from the beginning. That’s life tho.
Image source: MyFireElf, travelarium / freepik
M**h k**led her. One day I realized I was trying to love a stranger for the sake of a memory.
Image source: nightglitter89x, freepik
I spent years dying of organ failure. My friends began to see me as a burden. A reminder of their own mortality. So they stopped answering when I called and stopped coming by to visit. I spent months in the hospital withering in pain and no one came to see me besides my mom.
I got a transplant and I’m all better now, but I’m quite lonely and sad.
Image source: Stinkus_Winkus, prostooleh / freepik
I got clean from d***s and he didn’t. Still care about him and hope the best for him, but he just doesn’t want to get clean. I tried to be his support for a while but it was just taking a toll on myself for no forward progress for him.
Got wisdom to pour?