People Are Sharing Examples Of Things That Look Like Food, But Aren’t (30 New Pics)
As kids, most of us tried to eat some ridiculous things simply because they seemed delicious to us. I’m talking about things like bouncy balls that looked like candy or chestnuts that looked like little chocolates. Thankfully, we grew up and no longer do these silly things… right? Well, apparently not. Turns out that with age we only became better at spotting these “forbidden snacks”, and someone even created a whole subreddit dedicated entirely to them.
People are sharing some of the funniest examples of inedible things that look like food to this subreddit, and don’t know how about you, but even knowing what those things really are still kind of makes me want to try them out for myself. Check out some of the most alluring “forbidden snacks” in the gallery below, and if you want more, see our previous post here!
#1 Forbidden Everything
Image source: JPL_Reader
#2 Forbidden Mayonnaise
Image source: MrFluffytheLion
#3 This Rock Looks Like A Steak
Image source: DisclosedIntent
#4 Grape Agate From Indonesia
Image source: Yulinka17
#5 Forbidden Ramen
Image source: British-
#6 Carved Green Onyx Gemstone Grapes. I’m Salivating
Image source: Trolivia
#7 Still Can’t Believe It’s Not Ham
Image source: MTPROJECTS
#8 Manatees Being Fed Sweet Potatoes. While Looking Like Sweet Potatoes
Image source: chompthecake
#9 Sea Glass, Looks Like Candy
Image source: E-catherine
#10 This Rosso Levanto Marble Looks Like Raw Meat
Image source: The Geography
#11 Lately, I’ve Been Having A Craving For Grilled Cheese, Then I Noticed My Calendar And It All Made Sense
Image source: scroopiedoopie
#12 I Almost Ate A Praying Mantis That Was In My Salad
Image source: DirgeofElliot
#13 Forbidden Thanksgiving Turkey
Image source: theegoofball
#14 A Giant Broccoli
Image source: kaigaradotcom
#15 Forbidden Avocado
Image source: migraine_boy
#16 I Found A Rock That Looks Like Bread With A Bite Taken Out Of It
Image source: GamerLobster
#17 Forbidden Coffee
Image source: Faith_SC
#18 Pass Me A Banana. Actually, I’m Alright
Image source: danruse
#19 Juicy Pomegranate Seeds
Image source: oldernan
#20 Forbidden Crème Brulée
Image source: HPVD Photos
#21 Forbidden Fried Chicken (It’s Calcite)
Image source: rebelraf
#22 The Wood In This Tree Looks Like Spaghetti And Tomato Sauce
Image source: AwayState
#23 My Over-Baked Lap Croissant
Image source: Rosie RJ
#24 Forbidden Honey
Image source: jasminelg16
#25 Mmmmmm… Caramels
Image source: Mr_PoodlePants
#26 Caught Our Japanese Exchange Student About To Drink This Because It Says “Soda” And Has Fruit On The Label
Image source: McBeardedson
#27 Forbidden Ice Cream
Image source: JohnCenaAMA
#28 My Buddy’s Soap And Dish Look Like A Fried Egg
Image source: ronin_cse
#29 These Forbidden Oreos Are Actually Methamphetamine Disguised As Decorative Aztec Calendar Wheels
Image source: ice.gov
#30 Vintage Forbidden Candy Identification Chart
Image source: LinkDude80
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