Bored Coworkers Recreate Classic Paintings Using Office Supplies
Francesco Fragomeni and Chris Limbrick found themselves bored at Squarespace’s office in NYC one day so they came up with a fun activity. Using only the stuff found in their office, the two coworkers managed to recreate the famous “Creation of Adam” by Michelangelo. They were pretty happy with the results, so they continued recreating iconic paintings, which eventually grew into a project called “Fools Do Art.”
Other coworkers started to join into the fun and they began accepting idea submissions from people all around the world. Every recreation, however, has to satisfy two strict rules: it must be made exclusively using things found in the office, and any photo manipulations, if needed, must be made on a smart phone.
More info: foolsdoart.com | Tumblr | Instagram (h/t: modernmet)
Got wisdom to pour?
They went a little far with ‘David with the Head of Goliath.’ No sacrifice is too big for art though. ;-)
They went a little far with ‘David with the Head of Goliath.’ No sacrifice is too big for art though. ;-)
They went a little far with ‘David with the Head of Goliath.’ No sacrifice is too big for art though. ;-)
Bored cow-orkers on Demilked? :)
I want to work in an office where a horse head is an office supply.
*horse head MASK -be more specific or you might get more than you bargained for. ;)
Unicorn Mask you guys, Unicorn.
actually both….
A unicorn is just a horse dressed up for an evening out.
No doubt. Horse head. lol
super lol :D
unicorn and horse – yeah! me too!!
I said that EXACT same thing!!!!!!
My husband is an engineer, and you’d be amazed at what I’ve seen in cubicles.
I am an engineer and I dont have a job.
Haha my office actually does have this exact horse head! And a bunch of other random-ass things…gotta spice things up every once in a while! ;-)
Is it just me or is the Pablo Picasso’s “The Old Guitarist” so much cooler looking in the remake?
Aw, thanks for the kind compliment! I think pablo should have painted a tattoo in the original :-p
He’s definitely a lot hotter then the old guy!!
What about the old guy? (or did you mean to use than instead of then?
He’s definitely a lot hotter, then the old guy doused him with water.
:) very ingenious!!
Wonderful!!!!! You must do this in a gallery!
Where do these guys work? These are awesome..LOL!
“Francesco Fragomeni and Chris Limbrick found themselves bored at Squarespace’s office in NYC.” Literally the first line.
What are these “words” you speak of?!
lmao! exactly, who read anything
Yeah, you know.. I kinda wanted to just get to the pictures.. sorry if my lack of wanting to actually read offended you so much. LOL! I did find out later when I came back but, ya know.. I already posted and I didn’t feel like correcting. Feel better now?
Oh, now I have something to do when bored in the office.