15 Food Safety Facts Both Professional And Amateur Chefs Should Know
Cooking can be pretty fun – or it can be a torture, depends on how you look at it. But whether you like cooking or not, sometimes it’s unavoidable. And whether you’re simply making a sandwich or baking a fancy cake, there are a few things you should know before you begin.
Today we have a few food safety facts everyone should know, no matter how many years of cooking experience they’ve got. From the five second rule to the sin that is double dipping, check out all of the things you should know before grabbing the knife in the gallery below!
#1 Chocolate with white or grayish film is fine to eat
Image source: Jelene Morris
Let’s settle this once and for all – chocolate with a white film is perfectly good to eat. The film is just the cocoa butter fat that’s separated from the cocoa.
#2 Double-dipping can spread bacteria and viruses
Image source: joncutrer
If you’re just like George Costanza and think that double-dipping is no big deal, we’ve got some news for you – it is a big deal. Double-dipping can spread both bacteria and viruses, even if the double-dipper doesn’t look visually sick.
#3 Titanium dioxide that’s found in icing has been linked to inflammatory bowel diseases
Image source: lonnon
Titanium dioxide is an additive that is used to make white appear whiter and can be found in things like icing, ranch dressing, and coffee creamer. But it can also be found in sunscreen, paint, and laundry detergent. And even though FDA considers this additive to be safe, there are papers linking it to inflammatory bowel diseases, even leading to France banning it for use in food earlier this year.
#4 Refrigerated leftovers must be tossed out in 3 to 4 days
Image source: Jason Ternus
Even if you keep leftovers in the fridge, you should throw them away after 3 to 4 days, even if the food still looks edible. There are certain types of bacteria that can cause illness without affecting the appearance or taste of food.
#5 It’s not recommended to rinse meat
Image source: reid-bee
Despite what your mother might say, you shouldn’t wash poultry before cooking as it not only does nothing to remove the tightly-attached bacteria, but can in fact spread bacteria all over the countertop and nearby cutlery.
#6 The 5-second rule is a myth
Image source: ayswd1
Sorry to break it for you – bacteria don’t have little timers and can attach to food the instance it hits the ground.
#7 It’s recommended to keep butter in the fridge
Image source: Joanna Bourne
Even though spreading cold butter can be a major pain, it’s better to keep it in the fridge as keeping it on the counter can accelerate the rate at which spoilage microbes multiply.
#8 Produce bins in fridges are full of germs
Image source: mealmakeovermoms
According to a study by NSF International, one of the ‘germiest’ items in your kitchen is the produce compartment inside the fridge. That’s why it’s extremely important to clean it out regularly with hot water and soap.
#9 A funky taste in water doesn’t mean you can’t drink it
Image source: malias
Even though water might taste a little funky after leaving it on your bedside table for the night, it’s perfectly fine to drink – there’s nothing in the water that can spoil.
#10 It’s best not to eat raw cookie dough
Image source: soupspoon
As tempting as it may be, you shouldn’t be eating raw cookie dough as the unbaked flour can contain potentially dangerous bacteria called E. coli.
#11 Chopping boards are up to 200 times dirtier than a toilet seat
Image source: tuba
Even though they might look clean on the surface, there are heaps of bacteria hidden in all of the tiny scratches of your favorite cutting board. That’s why you should either have a few for different types of food or regularly change them.
#12 Ground meats should reach 160°F for at least one second before consuming
Image source: trekkyandy
According to USDA, ground meat should reach temperatures of no less than 160°F to be safely consumed, while ground poultry, such as chicken and turkey, should reach at least 165ºF.
#13 The best way to know if the milk is still good is to smell it
Image source: markhillary
As different states have different laws on milk dates, the tried and true method of testing whether milk is spoiled is a simple smell test.
#14 Egg dishes should be cooked until they reach 160°F or more
Image source: mikecogh
In order for salmonella to be killed off, all egg dishes should reach the temperature of at least 160°F.
#15 Perishable food can be left at room temperature for no more than 2 hours
Image source: Gary Stevens
You should refrigerate all perishable food in less that 2 hours, otherwise you risk it going bad. If the temperature is higher than 90F, the time drops to just 1 hour.
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