Effortless Earnings: 25 Times People Made Quick Cash With Minimal Work

Published 4 hours ago

Making money quickly and easily is a dream for many, but some people have actually pulled it off in surprising ways. A recent Reddit thread posed the question: “What is the fastest and easiest way you’ve ever made money?” and the answers range from clever to downright bizarre. Here are some of the most interesting responses shared by users.

While some of these money-making methods require luck or special circumstances, others—like flipping items, pet sitting, or participating in studies—are practical ways to make quick cash. If you’re looking for an easy way to boost your bank account, you might just find inspiration from these creative Redditors!

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Image source: Owtlaw1, RDNE Stock project

Breaking up with my ex. Saved so much money it felt like I had gotten a raise.


Image source: comababy, Lê Minh

I signed up to do extra work for a very s****y but major-studio film while I was in college; it was filming near my campus. For whatever reason, the director liked me and asked if I would be OK with speaking one or two lines to the main character (a famous actress). I said sure. Because I had to spend all day on the set and go to costuming and makeup, I was offered a SAG voucher (I’m not sure if it works that way anymore?) and was paid union rates. Instead of $100, I made a little under $2,000.


Image source: kpraslowicz, Tima Miroshnichenko

$40 to *fix* the sound on my uncle’s computer. Just needed to be unmuted.

Edit: Tried to tell him just needed to be unmuted. Wouldn’t have any of that and had me come over to “Just do it”. He also refused my refusal of the money.


Image source: anon, RDNE Stock project

I get paid $50/day to stay in a 15000 square foot fully furnished house on 18 acres in one of the most expensive real estate markets in the US. My duties are 1) turn on alarm when I leave and at night, and 2) feed koi fish. I have the entire property to myself except the 5 days a year when the owners pop by to visit or grab some stuff. This has been happening for the last 5 years.


Image source: PoopySnuggles, Andrea Piacquadio

Got an email from a Nigerian prince. Money should be here any day now…


Image source: flyingviolin, Darya Sannikova

Went to a casino with the family. Dad handed me 20 bucks for gambling. Did not gamble, made 20 bucks.


Image source: lolturtle, chumsdock

Waited in line for iPhone 4 for 12 hours. Sold spot to someone for $500 cash. My SO was still in line and used cash to buy us phones.


Image source: PatchRat

I once worked security at a Hillary Duff concert. Once I got my hands on a set of earplugs, that was some d**n easy money. Just had to stand there and look mildly annoyed.That’s basically my face all the time anyway.


Image source: randomfactaholic, Dominique Godbout

In junior high I sold 7 Beanie Babies for $950.


Image source: Cyfun06, Quang Nguyen Vinh

Picked up a broken clothes dryer off of craigslist for free. Heating element was broken. Crimped the wires back together, sold it on Craigslist for $80.

That’s not the best part, though. I delivered it to this chick’s house, hauled it downstairs for her and hauled off her broken one cause I’m a nice guy, she tipped me $20. Spend $15 on parts to repair that dryer, sold dryer a few days later to a guy who gave me two old washers and a dryer AND $80.

Now my garage is full of f*****g appliances and I’ve got people constantly wanting to give me broken appliances or buy working ones from me, and I can’t keep up. All I wanted was some beer money… :(.


Image source: godlovesaliar, Cj

All I had to do was be born, and people STILL give me money every year for it.

Suckers. My mom was the one who did all the work anyway.


Image source: suuupbrah, Junior REIS

I once sold my drunk friend two pieces of his own toast for ten dollars.


Image source: unclexbenny, Polina Tankilevitch

After a night of drinking me and a buddy stopped at a place and got pizza, we ordered an entire pie although we really didn’t need all of it. We got over there probably 30 minutes before all the bars closed to beat the rush of drunks. Well when the bars did actually let out, we were still sitting there eating. Since we had a bunch of slices left and we sitting by the door where a line was forming, I pushed a slice out onto the top part of the box and said watch this. Immediately I was offered $5 for the slice by some guy who didn’t want to wait in line. Kept doing that for the rest of the pizza, sold the whole thing pretty quickly, paid for the entire pizza and probably ended up with an extra $5-10 for each of us to keep. I doubt the owners would have been happy to know we were reselling their own pizza inside their shop for a profit.


Image source: ImAjustin, Alex P

Drove my cousin to and from college.
He couldnt drive yet, and my uncle was like take him and pick him up, a cab was 60 so for an entire semester 4 times a week, 50 bucks a day. So great.


Image source: anon, Christina Morillo

I was taking an online Intro to Programming class (Java) for easy marks in high school. A few other friends were in it, one of them didn’t really do many of the assignments. About a week before the final project was due (Nothing too complicated, one of the options was a simple game using some of the things we learned).

He said he’d pay me $300 to do the assignment for him and I thought he was joking. So I threw together a nice little Ottawa Senators trivia game and made the GUI pretty using the team colours and logos. This took about 3 hours including lunch.

I send him the project files and what do you know, he shows up the next day and hands me $300.


Image source: SoCoGrowBro, Calvin _Cowakces

~$700 for taking a big a*s piece of aluminum to the scrap yard. A neighbor was using it as a retaining wall, tore it out, and said I could have it. I think it was part of a bridge.


Image source: kernelmusterd, Artem Podrez

Bought some Bitcoins a few years back before they gained their current momentum. It was just after a crash at the time, so in hindsight they were at a “good” price, although I was unaware of this.

Anyways I had completely forgot about them until I read about the bitcoin market crashing again, around April of this year. I thought “Oh well, there goes my money”. I checked to see how worthless they were only to find out they roughly were, and still are, worth about 40-fold what I paid for them!


Image source: lightstuffonfire, Markus Spiske

Found $40 on the ground. picking it up: 5 seconds tops.
Hourly wage at that rate: $28,800/hour
Yearly Salary at that rate: $57,600,000.


Image source: nishantjn, RDNE Stock project

A friend of mine needed to give a presentation to clients in India, and wanted me to translate the text matter into Hindi. His company was going to go to a professional agency for it anyway, and he figured he could save money by asking me to do it for a smaller fee.

So I did it. For like 150EUR, 10EUR per slide. Took me about 2 hours in all.

What’s funny is that he didn’t need to do this at all. The presentation was in English. All his clients in India would understand English perfectly.

Whatever, corporates.


Image source: Walletau, Sarah Stierch

Won an eating competition, 1000 bucks in 2 min.

Also found out what Churros taste like, so win/win.


Image source: tzachg, Alex Barnes

In 2012 when hurrican Sandy hit NY I just so happened to arrive on the day of the hurricane. Was totally stranded without power or water in the East Village. NExt day I got a zipcar to charge my phone. Driving around I saw tons of people who needed rides and being me, I stopped and picked up a person. Then I stopped to pick up 2 oldies, and they immediately ask “how much?” “Ten bucks,” I told them.

2 hours later I had driven from the East Village to Upper EAst like 4 or 5 times, and made about $300.


Image source: Rachellybean, Getty Images

Bought a home befote a housing boom. $120, 000 profit in 1 year from selling 1 house.


Image source: dadsapilot, Jimmy Chan

Working as a bank teller. Someone brought in $86 in silver half dollars. All pre-1964 some were pre whatever date was needed so that they were 90% silver. Sold them on Craigslist within the week for $1850. For anybody that is wondering, I did attempt to convince the customer not to deposit them. The customer insisted that they had no value.


Image source: dangermouse2, Getty Images

Easiest/wierdest money I made was when I was backpacking around the country, and one day this Asian guy in a Porsche pulls up in front of the hostel and asks if I wanted to earn some money. For 2 weeks I got paid $100 each day to be driven around in a Porsche, and I would get given a phone and a list of phone numbers to call and figures that I had to read out to each phone number.

He said he was a real estate agent but that some of his clients didn’t like to be spoken to by someone with an asian accent, which I went along with because it was easy money ($100 for 30-40 minutes work), but I’m 99% sure it was gambling figures.


Image source: BrainzLA, Fox

Being on Mad TV. Got paid over $500 just for “performing” for a few hours (I was part of a fake band they used in a sketch), and when it aired, I received a $400 royalty check. I received about 10 more checks after that, totaling another $400. Never got to see that kind of easy money again tho :( …

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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