20 Times Old People Didn’t Realize What The 😂 Emoji Really Means
Everyone knows that old people and technology are a bad combo. And while most of the time it’s harmless and even kind of funny, there are times when things get a little… inappropriate. Especially when it comes to one specific emoji.
Of course, I’m talking about this one “😂”, officially known as the “Face with Tears of Joy” emoji. It’s pretty self-explanatory – you use it when something makes you laugh hysterically. Well, self-explanatory for us at least – but not for old people. Apparently, some of them think this emoji actually stands for tears of sadness and like to use it at the most unfortunate times – and I almost feel guilty for laughing.
Check out all the times old poeple used the “Face with Tears of Joy” emoji at the most inappropriate times in the gallery below!
Image source: dogwithablog_69
Image source: mandaacchione
Image source: reddit.com
Image source: PeterAtS2
Image source: reddit.com
Image source: memewhore
Image source: Rudyjay2319
Image source: katelynnej6
Image source: shairyfoot
Image source: AndyMirchou
Image source: CassidyCoggins
Image source: coletteraquel_
Image source: hylianhottie
Image source: ornewport
Image source: davidxaIan
Image source: _hannahhhhr
Image source: mixed_Harms
Image source: cmcarter98
Image source: divinesvt
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