
40 People Who Were So Lazy That They Had To Be Called Out Online
Some say that a lazy person is also an efficient person. Indeed, being lazy is not out of the ordinary as we all tend to have our moments or even days where we just don’t feel like doing anything.
However, some people can take it just a tad bit too far as you can see evidenced from the pics below. Either often ending up being a pain to society, or a danger to society, the gallery depicts lazy people’s actions that come off as rather inexcusable, don’t you agree?
#1 Attention Parents! Thrift Stores Are Not Your Daycare. Clean Up After Your Kids
Image source: recovery_room
VioletHunter: Or, maybe, teach your kids to put stuff back!
#2 Amazon Said It Was Delivered 2 Weeks Ago, But I Couldn’t Find It. Snow Finally Melted A Bit, And I Found It 1/2 Mile Away From The House
Image source: raleighs
Moxitron Jazz: thats very Fargo-esque…
#3 People That Do This Are Jerks
Image source: 420fmx
Alexia: Yes, they are. I also found a salami left on a shelf, and somebody had taken a bite of it.
#4 I Went On A Cruise In Spain. It Was Beautiful, And I Had A Great Time. But, Everywhere We Went, There Was Just Garbage In The Ocean, And I Actively Saw People Throwing More In
Image source: GlitchingNo
Alexia: The water has such a beautiful color. And all that garbage is just… infuriating
#5 Lazy People Ruin Frozen Items Putting It On Random Shelves
Image source: Angus87Angus88
Miss Mali: I mean u can just hand it to a cashier or random employee they would rather u do that than leave this.
#6 My $2200 Laptop, Which I Was Supposed To Sign For, Was Left Practically On The Sidewalk. Couldn’t Even Bother To Put It Near The Porch
Image source: temerariously
featherytoad: Probably FedEx ground.
#7 My Partner Borrowed My Car For A Few Days And Returned It Like This
Image source: kt-gd
Bernd Herbert: The amount of plastic some people use is astonishing
#8 Please Put It Back Where You Found It
Image source: Scaulbylausis
Quinn: “Why is the Glade spray *more* expensive when it’s on clearance? F**ck you, Walmart! I’m abandoning my ice cream here in protest… “
#9 I Went To Snap The Beach At Margate And Wish I Hadn’t. Is It Because The Council Are Not Putting Bins On The Beach, Or Is Lazy Visitors At Fault? Either Way It’s An Utter Disgrace
Image source: frank_leppard
Stevie S: If there is no bin on the beach then it goes without saying, you take your trash with you and dispose of it responsibly.
#10 Meanwhile Here In Victoria
Image source: glim1000
DrBronxx: That isn’t just lazy; It’s ridiculously dangerous.
#11 This Is How The Passengers Who Have Just Arrived From Canada Left The Plane. I Can’t Find Words. This Is One Of The Reasons For The Delay. It Takes A Long Time To Clean This Pigsty
Image source: infotraficalg
Bernd Herbert: There should be a warning and a threat to be put on the no-fly list
#12 How People Left Their Table At Wendy’s Near Me
Image source: bonefidescrewup
Alison Marchand: Psssshhh. Some of these posts, it takes a lot of effort to be that lazy!!
#13 Uber Eats Left The Order At The End Of The Driveway In The Freezing Rain/Snow Balanced On The Mailbox
Image source: ApricotTaco
Sum Guy: How long is the driveway, could he walk/drive in or the driveway was not cleared? This might have been the note in the app but this person has a problem now that its snowing
#14 Someone Locked His Bike On My Bike Without Even Trying To Lock It To The Stand
Image source: SummumRex2
SheamusFanFrom1987: I’d take a picture first as proof then claim both bikes. Technically not your fault because you had to remove your bike while another was stuck to it.
#15 My Neighbor Drove Into Part Of My Back Fence 2 Months Ago And Hasn’t Cleaned It Up
Image source: Feeling-Disaster7180
That’s his garage on the left being partially blocked. Maybe he thinks it’s a crime scene and he won’t get the insurance claim if he cleans it up. I don’t know.
#16 My Roommate Has Hit New Peak Of Laziness
Image source: ComaAmes
Stardust she/her: Impressive
#17 Elizabeth Is A Lazy Jerk
Image source: Timecook
Alexia: Yes, she is.
#18 My Girlfriend Throws Her Daily Contact Lenses Behind The Headboard Of Our Bed
Image source: FireRotor
giku T (edited): and you are still together why?
#19 This Represents A Single Week Of Mugs And Glasses That My Wife Leaves In Our Bathroom. I Clean All Of These Every Week, And They Are Back The Next One. Anyone Else Feel My Pain?
Image source: newmyy
DrBronxx: In the kitchen, I understand, but the BATHROOM?
#20 How My Sister Leaves The Bathroom
Image source: TouchingPriests
Alexia: Oh, that’s how my former colleague used to leave our common desk. Sheets of paper, pens, clips, agendas, plus personal items such as lipstick, comb, mirror, half-eaten croissant etc. Until one day when I decided I had enough of it. I took a big plastic bag and put all of her scattered items inside. She was outraged and escalated it to our manager, who was on my side (moreover, he said I could throw all that “garbage” away from then on). You wouldn’t believe how tidy she became after that :)))
#21 I Just Caught A Lazy Neighbor “Walking Their Dog” By Car
Image source: drspkes
Ancsuri: In our country its intentional torture of animals by law, and its punished very strictly
#22 My Wife Spits Her Seed Shells Into The Door Handle Of Our Car And Leaves It There
Image source: slangin_meds
LakotaWolf (she/her): That’s foul. TWO different organic substances (husks and saliva) that will ROT. Organic stuff decays, people. It doesn’t just go into magical stasis. Eurgh.
#23 My Mom Loved Walking Our Dog, And Now She Has To Get In The Street To Do That Because We Have Rude Neighbors
Image source: Solid-Airport-5466
Alison Marchand: Hmmm…would the municipality be expected to be responsible for this given the size & proximity to power lines & the roadway?
#24 My Brother “Salted” The Driveway
Image source: KingDooma
Alexia: Maybe some spice is needed too :)))
#25 Plastic Confetti Left Behind By A Gender Reveal Party In A Public Park
Image source: f1rstman
Alexia: That’s why confetti should be made of tree leaves.
#26 People Sweat, And That’s Fine, But Who Leaves Their Puddles Behind Like This Without Wiping Down?
Image source: PhazonPhoenix5
Alexia: That’s lack of common sense, not just laziness.
#27 I Went On A Date With A Guy, And He Picked Me Up This Time. I Think This Is A Peek Into What His Apartment Might Look Like
Image source: Wedgypicker420
#28 My Sister’s Boyfriend Lost His Wallet Before Leaving To Go To His Moms. He Left The Living Room Like This After He Found His Wallet
Image source: EducationalQuiet1052
General Anaesthesia: Are you sure this wasn’t a Drug Enforcement Agency raid?
#29 Public Park Near Toronto, Canada. Why Are People Such A Pigs?
Image source: Jo_Hendy
Alison Marchand: Ugh! Looks like a beautiful park, too, such vibrantly green grass 💚
#30 Pizza Delivery Guy Dropped The Pizzas At The End Of My Sidewalk. He Then Came Up, Rang The Doorbell, Walked Past Them Again And Was Back In His Car Driving Off Before I Answered The Door
Image source: DarkHeraldMage
Stevie S: Thats not lazy, thats malicious.
#31 I Went To A Classmate’s Apartment To Work On A Project. This Mountain Of Hair Will Haunt Me Forever
Image source: reddit.com
Barbra E. Nyberg: Thanks for the korean horror movie flasback.
#32 Are People That Lazy? Cart Return Is 4 Parking Spaces Away
Image source: Splintercell581
Alexia (edited): This is also dangerous. I miraculously avoided an accident in the parking, when such a cart glided in front of my car
#33 The Way A Mom And Her Two Kids Left The Shoe Isle In Target
Image source: AydenTheFox_15
Bols: The worst part is that they show kids such behaviour is ok :(
#34 There Was A Trash Can Literally Four Feet Away
Image source: NorseCelt137
theflyingcicero: Too far… Can’t reach trash can…
#35 Some Jerk In My Office: “Damn, That Was Close. If I Took That Last Ice Cube, I Might Have To Refill The Tray”
Image source: Canisteo99
lily jones: Go on just take the last f*****g icecube you can’t inconvenience me any more than you already have
#36 The Hairbrush My Daughter Leaves Hanging In The Shower
Image source: maddogcas2383
Lyop: To the trash it goes.
#37 Apparently The Businesses In My Shopping Center Decided That The Recycling Chute (Two Units Down) Is Too Far Away. That Door Is My Store
Image source: reddit.com
Karl: Fire hazard
#38 My Roommate Made Eggs In All These Pans. Instead Of Just Washing One Pan Everytime He Makes Eggs. Someone Save Me From This Nightmare
Image source: Juancho511
Sand Ers: Many years ago I had a friend who lived in a house with half a dozen other college students. House rule was that if you left dishes in the sink, they would be put into your bed. Few residents had to learn that lesson more than once.
#39 I Asked My Mom To Put The Remainining Salt In A Smaller Container, But She Dumped It All In The Sink. That’s Almost 200g Of Salt That Could’ve Easily Lasted Me Another 2 Months
Image source: Staalone
Alison Marchand: Seems more passive-aggressive and disrespectful than lazy 🤨
#40 The Way My Family Leaves The Toothpaste. It’s Rock Solid
Image source: PIE_OF_LIFE64
Alexia: That’s an abstract sculpture
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