‘Everything Is Melting’: 40 Photos Of The Effects Of Extreme Heatwaves

Published 1 month ago

No matter where people fall on the climate change topic, we have to admit that summers are changing. The heat is more intense, longer-lasting and the frequency has increased to boot. These extreme temperatures can make people quite uncomfortable, leading to excessive sweating and even possible dehydration. Folks are resorting to all sorts of means to keep cool during these hot weather spells, cranking up air-conditioners and hitting the pool as often as possible in feeble attempts to cool down. Meanwhile, animals and other living creatures in our surroundings are affected by the brutal heat too. It’s no joke how everything seems to be melting and people are just desperately trying to cope with the terrible summer heatwaves, as the pics in the gallery below show.

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#1 Stores In Turkey Open Their Doors To Stray Dogs To Escape Extreme Heat. There Is Also One On The Stairs That You Can’t See Well

Image source: bzafs

#2 117 Degrees In Arizona Today. Melted The Blinds In My House

Image source: DeliciousKing99

#3 Safe To Say This Is One Of My Favorite Customers, Greets Me Occasionally With Cold Water

Image source: coopin05

Well, today he left three of them for me (two frozen)! Makes a world of difference in 97-degree weather… Thank you, sir!

The note says: “To mail lady or man. Thank you for delivering mail in such horrible heat! Stay hydrated and shaded when you can. Thank you!! 3 waters all yours.”

#4 During This Southern California Heatwave, My Local Grocery Store Has Coolers Filled With Complimentary Water Bottles At Each Entrance

Image source: eddrriley

#5 He Needed Sunglasses. My Neighbor’s Dog Trying To Beat The Heat, And Sun. It’s 91 Outside

Image source: YZXFILE

#6 I Had To Let My Mom Borrow My Crocs Because Her Sandals Melted

Image source: candydulce143

#7 A Pub In Loughborough Handing Out Free Ice Water In A UK Heatwave

Image source: Impromptu_Bagel

#8 Burned Myself On My Seatbelt. Apparently, My Car Is 170 On The Dash Right Now

Image source: TakeMyL

#9 Rolled Up To My Parents’ House To Find Them Giving Away Free Water For People And Their Dogs In The Excessive Heatwave In America. I’m Proud To Be Their Daughter

Image source: endlesseffervescense

#10 It’s So Hot That My Rear-View Mirror Is Sliding Down The Windshield

Image source: Hollowolf15

#11 Tales Of Heatwave Madness. The Floor Turned To Lava

Image source: MoukiKoutouki

#12 This Guy In His Cooling Fan Jacket In 36-Degree Tokyo Heat

Image source: uzi1102

#13 My Son’s Watercolors Got Left In The Sun, And They Shrank Into Round Balls

Image source: studteaing

#14 My AC Broke. We’re In A Heatwave Of 100°F For The Next Week. She Keeps Taking All The Air

Image source: Successful-Snow-562

#15 This Is How Hot It Is In New Orleans

Image source: kschwa7

#16 It’s Called An AZ Summer

Image source: astridgalvan

#17 The Heat Has Them Lined Up For Water Today

Image source: spudseyes

#18 Life Hack

Image source: bndrvisuals

#19 My Wife Is So Happy Her Contraption Worked After Leaving Her Flowers Alone For A Week In The 100-Degree Texas Heat

Image source: K1D_Dynamite

#20 It’s 102 Degrees In NJ Right Now, Just Saw Someone Putting Ice Water Bottles Out For People At My Train Station

Image source: Cheddar18

#21 It’s Too Hot Outside

Image source: reddit.com

#21 Sun Through The Skylight Is A Direct Hit To The Record Player

Image source: jordan_chez

#23 We’re Cooked (Literally)

Image source: Shiv_ansh_st

#24 My Neighbors Have A Fan For Their Dog Because We Are Melting

Image source: brainlessbach

#25 Another Hot Summer Day In London

Image source: SalimHathbul

#26 Maybe A Wax Lincoln Sculpture Wasn’t The Best Idea During DC’s First Week Of Summer Heat

Image source: kirk_bado

#27 This Bottle Of Sparkling Water I Left In My Truck All Day

Image source: hedwaterboy

#28 The Way The Sun Has Weathered This Sign, So It Looks Like Its Heavy Metal Style

Image source: dave_wigwam

#29 Sometimes, If The Heat Is High, Corn Can Be Infected By A Fungus That Causes The Kernels To Expand And Become The Delicious Delicacy Known As Huitlacoche

Image source: GoldenChinchilla

This is eaten, usually as a filling, in quesadillas and other tortilla-based foods and soups.

#30 Candles Left Outside During A Heatwave

Image source: FireSilicon

#31 On Public Transport In Hot Weather, Take A USB Desk Fan. Most Buses Here Have USB Chargers For Phones. Plug It In, Turn It Upside Down, And Hang It On The Empty Seat In Front

Image source: BloodAngel1982

#32 Apartment AC Went Out During The Recent Texas Heatwave And Management Doesn’t Want To Fix It

Image source: emirrdz06

#33 A Very Hot Day Today In The Center Of Rovaniemi In North Finland (Afternoon The Meter Was Showing +32°C). At The Beach, People Weren´t The Only Ones, Who Needed A Little Cooling

Image source: Pekka Niinivaara

These are reindeer, the domesticated versions of caribous found in North America. They roam free in most areas around North Finland.

#34 My Pens Are Melting

Image source: maddog18476

#35 We Are In A Terrible Heatwave. People Are Selling Used AC Units For $1000+ Online. Our Neighbors Just Installed Central Air So They Gave Us These Cooling Beauties

Image source: a27j27k27

#36 It’s So Hot That Even Cadbury Blocks Need To Sit Down

Image source: Ors1

#37 Forgot The Dollar Store Air Horn In The Sun On The Dash Of My Truck

Image source: mrstoness

#38 Taco Bell Sign Melting In Phoenix, AZ

Image source: jelkins9

#39 My Vitamin Gummies Melted In The Texas Heat During Transit, And It’s Not Eligible For A Refund. I guess I’ll get a spoon and chisel out a serving every day…

Image source: AlloyComics

#40 Arizona Problems. Left My Credit Card In My Car, And It Melted

Image source: nkemp1990

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



extreme heat, extreme heatwaves, extreme temperatures, heatwaves, summer