25 Unusual Life Hacks That People Claim To Use Everyday
People are built differently and we all have unique ways of going about our daily activities. Whether it’s meal planning, exercising, working, or responding to emails, people have individual ways of handling their responsibilities.
So when someone online asked folks to share their, “I can’t believe other people don’t do this hack” moments, respondents commented with their best tips for efficiently dealing with the daily requirements of life. Scroll to check out some of the most unique steps people religiously follow every day to improve the quality of their life and who knows you may be inspired to add one or more of these to your daily routine too.
#1 Vote, so we don’t have morons in office.
Image source: dmendro, Element5 Digital/Pexels (not the actual photo)
#2 I hate cleaning but whenever I leave a room I try to take something with me. It might be a piece of garbage, a dish or an item that needs to be put away. It goes a long way to keeping things tidy without any real effort.
Image source: Kaablooie42, cottonbro studio/Pexels (not the actual photo)
#3 Learn all the keyboard shortcuts you can use regularly.
Image source: B4rkingFr0g, cottonbro studio/Pexels (not the actual photo)
#4 I can’t motivate myself to clean long periods, so I’ve recently started playing turn-based, or periodic games. At the end of every turn I’ll get up and do 5 minutes of cleaning. Then I can spend a day off playing games, but the house gets tidier instead of worse.
Image source: PyroDragn, cottonbro studio/Pexels (not the actual photo)
#5 Put salt and pepper on their burger patties. I swear I have the same conversation every time I host a cookout.
Image source: Pavlock, Tim Mossholder/Pexels (not the actual photo)
Your burgers always taste so good!
Salt and pepper.
How did you learn to make them?
I put a little salt and pepper on them before cooking
I could never get my burgers to taste right
Have you tried salt and pepper?
*Edit* Okay, this resonated with Redditors more than I expected. Thanks for all your tips. Rest assured that I have tried all of them. Garlic powder, onion powder, various premade spice mixes, olive oil, Worcheseverquestashire sauce. I even put an egg in a batch once because someone said it would hold them together better.
I like salt and pepper on fresh beef. Obviously it comes down to personal preference, but I find simple recipes are often the best.
#6 Buy her “just because” flowers. Seriously, apology gifts always have the stank of the original mistake all over them. “Just because” gifts actually make her smile every time she looks at them and not think of the dumb thing I did.
Image source: FantasyHockeyNerd, Los Muertos Crew/Pexels (not the actual photo)
Edit because apparently you can’t talk about a nice thing you do without people attempting to make you feel like s**t for no good reason : This post is not f*****g gender exclusive or exclusive to just your partner. I can’t believe I’m typing this.
#7 Say Please, say Thank you, and always ask people for help if you need it.
Image source: awalkingabortion, Helena Lopes/Pexels (not the actual photo)
#8 Clean out your fridge before grocery shopping! Eliminates mystery Tupperware and always reminds you of something you need to pick up.
Image source: lunalives, Helena Lopes/Pexels (not the actual photo)
#9 Well this is probably dumb and maybe just for older people. I have an unreasonable amount of prescription meds. The bottles of course essentially all look alike. And since I’m 68, my eyesight is c**p. SO. I write an abbreviation on the TOP of the med cap (Sharpie or plastic marker). Y’know, like A for Antibiotic. So I don’t have to pick up every damn bottle every damn time to squint at the 4 point font on the label….
Image source: cgerha, Polina Tankilevitch/Pexels (not the actual photo)
#10 I struggle with cleaning, but what I tend to do so I don’t get overwhelmed is write out a list numbered 1 to 20 of tasks I need to complete. I break it up in to small pieces. And then I roll a D20 die to pick tasks off the list. It removes the overwhelm of deciding where to start and it keeps me on task so I’m not bouncing between 5 different tasks at once. I also usually add things like “drink water” or “check laundry” if I don’t have a full 20 things to complete.
Image source: oboskello, cottonbro studio/Pexels (not the actual photo)
#11 Do favors for tomorrow you.
Image source: psmylie, MART PRODUCTION/Pexels(not the actual photo)
Car getting low on gas? Do tomorrow you a favor and get it on the way home.
It’s almost bedtime but there are dishes in the sink? Do them as a favor to your future self.
While you’re at it, get tomorrow’s clothes together and get your lunch packed when you’re not rushed. Tomorrow you will love you for it!
And, when today you is enjoying all the things that yesterday you did to make your life easier, remember to thank yourself for doing it.
I know it sounds silly, but this really helped motivate me in getting stuff done promptly instead of at the last moment.
#12 When handing someone their change, give them the coins before the bills. This allows them to hold the coins in their palm while using their fingers for the bills. Otherwise, they have to do this careful balancing act before they pocket the money.
Image source: PhantomBanker, Steve Johnson/Pexels (not the actual photo)
#13 I am shocked at the number of people that don’t put their sheet sets in the matching pillow case for storage until use. It keeps it all together!
Image source: 1000thatbeyotch, cottonbro studio/Pexels (not the actual photo)
#14 Rinsing your dishes and tableware immediately after use when the food gunk is still wet and washes away easily, rather than waiting for it to become cement.
Image source: Emergency_Ad1203, Liliana Drew/Pexels (not the actual photo)
#15 Storing things in airtight containers. I spent a lot of money on mine, so I get why people can’t do it, but I’ve moved a lot and some of the places had bugs, which I’ve been able to prevent carrying along with me. Honestly I was pretty poor when I started doing this. Bought stuff bit by bit.
Image source: Aggleclack, containerstore (not the actual photo)
#16 Keep a camping chair in your trunk. You never know when an opportunity for a good sit might arise.
Image source: DeadFloydWilson, PNW Production/Pexels (not the actual photo)
#17 Set nightly “do not disturb” hours on your phone (mine is 11P – 7A). You can allow notifications from favorite contacts like spouse, children, et al.
Image source: QualityAngle, Jakub Zerdzicki/Pexels (not the actual photo)
#18 Do I need or do I want. If I need it, I get it. If I want it, I wait for a few weeks, do some research, see if I can fit it in and if I still want it a month or two later then I might go get it. Turns out my wants are not always there after a while waiting. It’s new for me but has changed my mindset drastically.
Image source: HighburyHero, KoolShooters/Pexels (not the actual photo)
#19 When tech stops working and you need to “turn it off and back on again”, turn it off, and ALWAYS wait 10-15 seconds or more before turning it back on. This allows the capacitors inside holding the memory bits to fully discharge, and it allows the device to fully reset fresh.
Image source: EvilSpoon2, Junior Teixeira/Pexels (not the actual photo)
#20 Googling my problems. Like, seriously, it’s 2024. How hard is it?
Image source: Calvin1991, cottonbro studio/Pexels (not the actual photo)
#21 I see people doing wild mental math trying to figure out tips. If you move the decimal one place to the left you have 10% double that for 20%, divide it by 2 and add it to the original number for 15%. You can get 1% by moving the decimal 2 to the left and multiply that by any number to get that percentage.
Image source: Maddog0057, Pixabay/Pexels (not the actual photo)
Edit: Damn people, no need to get so aggressive, it’s a math tip that helps me, I’m not telling you how to tip, or even commenting on tipping in society, just math….
#22 I take a quick photo of where I park my car in large parking lots. Saves so much time wandering around looking lost!
Image source: Jerome_real24, Dimitri Shteizel/Pexels (not the actual photo)
#23 I keep one of those dish cleaning wands you fill with soap in my shower. It’s filled with Dawn soap and vinegar. I scrub my shower walls and tub basically every other shower, just while I’m in there. It takes less than 2 minutes and I never have to clean my tub/shower otherwise. About 2x/yr I’ll do a Comet tub clean scrub, but I can’t even see/tell a difference, it’s mostly just for peace of mind.
Image source: Whatchab, Pixabay/Pexels (not the actual photo)
#24 Play music when doing chores. My partner and her family just do chores in silence. I’m like wtf. This is way more boring than it has to be?
Image source: KennKennyKenKen, Polina Tankilevitch/Pexels (not the actual photo)
#25 How do people not put their phone on silent before a nap. like wake up to silence not a notification party.
Image source: skyesweetieo, iriam Alonso/Pexels (not the actual photo)
Got wisdom to pour?