Designer Creates Engraved Rolling Pins That Stamp Dough With Cheerful Patterns
Polish designer Zuzia Kozerska has come up with a brilliant idea for decorating those home-made cookies of yours (if they weren’t already decorative enough to begin with). She uses a laser engraver to create patterned rolling pins out of local wood engraved with various designs, ranging from cats and dinosaurs to geometric forms. Kozerska writes: “Those rolling pins also work with cakes, pasta, sugar frosting to cover the cake and even dumplings! Even clay if you’re not hungry!”
Be sure to check out Kozerska’s shop on Etsy and see if you can find a design most suited for you or for your loved one. If you don’t, you can always order a rolling pin with your own pattern engraved on it!
Source: Etsy (h/t: laughingsquid, thisiscolossal)
(Note: Kozerska explained that this rolling pin was made specifically for this image. All of the other texts engraved in her rolling pins are mirrored for them to be readable when pressed into the dough.)
Got wisdom to pour?
Where can I buy these please? Are they available online to purchase? Thanks Nadene in New Zealand