Photographer Gives Children Candy Then Takes It Away (Updated)

Published 12 years ago

Jill Greenberg’s exhibition End Times show portraits of children crying as if they had undergone something terrible. According to adelaidenow, photographer had provoked the tears of the two and three-year-olds by giving them a lollipop then quickly taking it away.

The photographs have kick-started heated debate about whether it is ethical to make children cry for the sake of art. Some argue that it’s rather sadistic, others, however, say it doesn’t harm kids at all – children cry all the time, and it’s their way of manipulating parents. Emeritus Professor of child development at the University of SA, Frida Briggs say “it did no long-term damage to the children.” It’s the issue of ethics rather than child development.  What do you think?


UPDATE: Unfortunately, photographer requested to remove the pictures. You can still find them on google.

UPDATE 2: The photographer didn’t give the kids candy herself. Their parents did all of it. Jill says she didn’t interact with them at all.

Got wisdom to pour?



End Times, Jill Greenberg, The Manipulator