Boss Called Her Headscarf ‘Unprofessional’ So She Started Coming To Work In Cosplay
I was never a big fan of a formal dress code at work, so I felt almost a sense of victory when I saw how June J. Rivas turned the situation completely around when confronted by her boss about an “unprofessional” working outfit.
“So my boss didn’t like me wearing my hair in a ponytail every day,” June wrote on Facebook. “Nor my hair in a scarf. “Unprofessional”. Nor my hair in pigtails. “Unprofessional”. So I filed a harassment complaint against her as our contract states “no dress code. just be clean and pressed”.” Then her boss even revised the dress code adding restrictions to all of the above plus straps, hats, sandals, cleavage, “and even (and I quote) “cultural head wraps“.”
Lucky for June, in the new guidelines there wasn’t a single line about cosplay. So she made the most of it.
More info: facebook (h/t: boredpanda)
This is the ‘unprofessional’ outfit that June’s boss had a problem with
So June filed a harassment complaint. Later, her boss responded with new rules banning all “cultural head wraps”
June finally agreed to follow the guidelines… just not the way her boss expected
She started coming to work wearing Cosplay!
The new dress code never said anything about blonde wigs or contact lenses
The rules don’t mention anything about the Spock ears or leather either
“I have come to work each day in an outfit that fits the guidelines,” wrote Rivas
You don’t mess with Cosplayers!
For more office stories head over here, where we covered the sticky notes war between neighboring offices.
Got wisdom to pour?
To choose the right wardrobe, imagine that you already work for this company and are going to a business meeting on its behalf. Then you definitely can’t go wrong. You can find more information about this here https://www.gotresumebuilder.com/job-interview-guide/dress-code-for-interviews . The interview is a key moment during which you must prove that you are the ideal candidate for the position.