20 Women Who Weren’t Afraid Of Ditching The Hair Dye, And Ended Up Looking Amazing (New Pics)
Anyone who has ever tried to fight graying hair will tell you that it’s an uphill battle – no matter how much you dye it, it will just keep coming back. That’s why ditching the dye and embracing the natural gray color is often the most liberating choice. And if you don’t believe me, today we have some inspiring stories from women who said goodbye to the dye that might help change your mind.
Grombre is an online community that encourages women to embrace their natural gray hair by sharing real stories told by real women. Read their stories in the gallery below, and if you’re looking for more inspiration, see our previous posts here, here, and here!
More info: Grombre.com | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter
Image source: grombre
“When I was 21, my sister was diagnosed with cancer — and my first stripe of white almost simultaneously appeared smack dab in the center of my head. We lost my sister a handful of years after her diagnosis after a long, painful battle. Within the same three months of losing her, my mother was diagnosed with cancer, my father had a massive heart attack and I underwent a mastectomy of my own. With every major event, more grays appeared. Amidst the chaos of life, I still found time to be horrified at this new addition to my hairstyle.I spent a decade fighting them, pushing back at every bright, wiry hair with chemicals and grim determination. But one day about 9 months ago, I was done. Life had been showing me my priorities in a not so gentle way — and I finally received her message. I no longer have time or patience to achieve an expected hair color. I’ve survived and thrived through so much worse than disappointing societal standards and expectations. Now at 31, I embrace my white hair and everything it stands for — every last hug, kiss or I love you, every tear or day that I’d have rather stayed in bed and didn’t, every war my family has fought and won. I am a warrior and my hair is a battle scar.”
Image source: grombre
“I started going grey in my late 30s for a while I would dye my hair back to its natural grey. When I turned 40 I decided to just let my grey come through. I am now 51 and I love my all natural grey hair. I have completely natural hair which means I don’t use any chemicals. My grey hair makes me feel strong and confident. I like to show that a woman can have grey hair and still be sexy, beautiful and stylish.”
Image source: grombre
“I had my first grey hair when I was 11 and I started colouring my hair black later in my teens. I never actually hated my greys; I merely loved the colour black and I wanted to fit in – I wasn’t aware of anyone at my age having grey hair. However, I was lacking the confidence to expose my true colours until I turned 30 – just over a year ago and I wish I had ditched my dye earlier. I feel liberated for not having to hide my silver waves (plus tones of money and time saved) which I adore and make me look unique.”
Image source: grombre
“I started greying at the ripe age of 13. I dyed my hair all thru my 20’s and 30’s. At age 39 with my mom’s encouragement I let my grey go and now I LOVE my salt & pepper crown! With my mom, who doesn’t have IG.”
Image source: grombre
“I had been coloring my hair since I was 20. It was never quite the right color, roots would show within a week, I had to plan colorings around special occasions, overall a giant pain in the butt. My goal was to turn 50 with long silver hair. With a little nudge from my very supportive husband, I finally stopped coloring in 2017, and I just turned 50 with long silver hair that I have grown to love. ?”
Image source: grombre
“I never had the confidence to let my hair be natural. I covered those grays since they first started showing up at age 23. When I turned 40, my husband said I should just ‘let it go’ and stop coloring my hair. I told him I wasn’t ready for that, he said he respected that, but he wanted me to make a deal with him. He made me a deal that if I would let my hair be natural at age 50, he would take me on a dream vacation. I agreed, it was 10 years away! Long story short, I kept my end of the bargain (and so did he) and since allowing my silver to shine, I feel I’ve let my soul shine! I have more confidence at 52 than I’ve ever had. I love being so shiny!!”
Image source: grombre
“I loved my brown hair as much as I love my grey. Infact I don’t see the transition to be difficult personally. I got greys in my early 20s. I colored them for several years till I wanted to. Stopped coloring when I didn’t want to. I have had greys on and off for a couple of years. And last year, I finally decided to not color them any more. I didn’t want to put unwanted chemicals in my body any more.Personally I don’t see much difference in myself with either brown or grey hair However, I do realise it’s different for others. Every now and then I have strangers looking at me in different ways ~ from being amused to being shocked. Some ask my age, some tell me I look odd, some whisper and laugh. I am growing used to all these now.I think there is no problem with coloring but I want people to realise ‘Not Coloring’ is also fine. It’s not weird and definitely not abnormal. It’s natural.”
Image source: grombre
“It has now been almost three years since I started the process and I am so glad I did! I just got my hair cut and with this trim, I think the last of my box-dye hair has been cut. So many stylists at the salon took a moment to comment on the lovely color of my hair. And when I’m out, I meet so many women who just have to ask about my hair and who are themselves yearning to be free of dying. I’m happy to be a part of this community of women who are proudly going gray.”
Image source: grombre
“I have been dying my hair for 24 years now, since I was sixteen and found my first gray hair. Growing it out has not been easy, once I think I’ve grown out of one awkward stage, I hit another one. I look to the grombre Instagram for inspiration. It has been 9 months since I’ve dyed my hand and although frustrating it has been quite freeing, and in this current climate I’m so glad I don’t have to worry about my hair.”
Image source: grombre
“Being silver for me means that I am able to be more of myself… peeling back the layers. I am beautiful. I am a woman maturing gracefully. One thing that I have learned is that someone is always watching. By loving myself and being more of myself I’m creating a space where other girls and women can do the same. I’m showing them another way to BE.”
Image source: grombre
“I’ve colored my hair pink or purple for quite a few years now. It’s become a big part of my identity. I’d go in every few months to have my brown roots bleached out, to redo the whole thing fresh. Over the last several years, my husband became extremely ill and I became a caregiver. Then our marriage began massively unraveling. Then he died. Through all of it, I bleached and dyed. Through my stress, I bleached and dyed. It’s been nearly three years since his death, and only during my life’s huge exhale over the last year or so did I start to go lax on the bleaching. Imagine my surprise to find this, then, growing out. It’s like I finally let my body relax into all it had been through. This is my wisdom hair. My hard-won life lesson hair. And I love it.”
Image source: grombre
“My choice to go naturally grey had to do with that specific moment almost 3 years ago. I took a good look at myself in the mirror wondering what would happen if I quit dying my hair. At first I couldn’t bare the thought of ‘looking’ older. But once they came through and I embraced my greys like I do today. I even felt more confident than during the time I dyed my hair. Whenever I get the chance to convince others to embrace their greys, I also tell them that they always can dye their hair again. I truly love my hair now! ”
Image source: grombre
“2/29/20: We woke that morning together, had breakfast at our favorite diner as we do every Saturday and then drove to our friend’s cabin in Winthrop Maine …and when the time felt right we said, ‘Now?!’ A few minutes later in a pink velvet dress on a frozen lake at sunset with a wind chill temperature in the negative we secretly eloped in a private ceremony on Leap Day. We wrote our own vows and tied a fisherman’s knot to seal the deal. And yes, our officiant WAS wearing a Viking helmet. Followed up with champagne & chocolate cake.”
Image source: grombre
“Three years ago I had to get a bone marrow transplant and decided to let my hair come in naturally. I’ve actually been going great since I was 15 but over the last 10 to 15 years I have been dying my hair. Since gray is such a fashion statement now, I get a lot of questions from people asking if I get my hair done when the reality is all I do is take good care of my natural gray hair.”
Image source: grombre
“I feel like I read a ‘grey hair rule’ that said to not wear grey … that it’ll wash you out or something? Here is to breaking all of the rules then, because I am discovering that I love the way I look in grey (hair and clothes!)!! And any other color I want to wear!”
Image source: grombre
“This has been quite cathartic. I actually cried at the salon. I experienced a lot with the hair that I let go of today and over the last 10 months.It is amazing how much of your self esteem and identity can be wrapped up in your hair. Silly me…the best is yet to come!”
Image source: grombre
“I am 4 months into this process, 50, recently divorced, in love with a new man who not only supports me in this process but encourages me. I changed my Facebook profile picture to this photo last weekend and received so much love. It feels amazing to be happy, secure and owning my true self.”
Image source: grombre
“I was compelled to stop dying my hair by the realization that I was only hiding my natural beauty. At first my family and friends where confused and thought I was letting myself go/abandoning my self care. But I explained I was only truly embracing it and fiercely falling in love with my natural beauty. Outsiders many times doubled glances at me. In a funny way everyone is extra respectful towards me since lol. I have learned that being different is beautiful.”
Image source: grombre
“My mom noticed my first grey hair when I was in about elementary school. I have never dyed my hair and have always embraced my grey streaks. While I have gotten pressured by family and friends to dye my hair, I never have. Some people even think I have professional highlights! I love my hair and the compliments I get make me feel beautiful and unique :)”
Image source: grombre
“In December 2016, I was 42 with an 11 month old and bemoaning my ‘disrespectful’ grey halo that I needed to henna/indigo. Two younger colleagues at work who always expressed their love of silver hair said to me, ‘Why don’t you stop dyeing it and let it grow out?’ My response was, I’m not ready yet, maybe when I’m 50. They responded (due to my length), ‘If you start now, you’ll be done by the time you’re 50!’Well, a few short months later, around May of 2017, I still hadn’t gotten around to that henna/indigo. They grey was no longer a halo, but a thick headband. I was on vacation at my in-laws and was in the bathroom in a marathon session washing my hair. I had slacked on doing it for weeks and was going through massive shedding that I couldn’t understand, but now believe was because I was nearing the end of menopause. After dealing with it, I looked at the dye bottles on the counter. I was planning to forgo henna and just do a quick color with Jazzing. I looked at the bottles and thought of my family and 1 1/2 year old upstairs with whom I had already lost 2-3 hours of time. And I thought of the additional 1-2 hours I would need to spend applying dye, waiting, rinsing, conditioning, and styling my hair. And I was tired. In that moment, I was just so over it. And my grey hair journey that had begun in December, unbeknownst to me, officially started.It wasn’t smooth sailing, there were a lot of bumps in the road in the first year and a half. Doubt, insecurity, negative comments. But I had started following Grombre and others and was always looking at inspo pics to help me stay the course. I remember telling an older colleague who would come behind me and whisper ‘Dye it!’…. ‘The road is rough, I admit it. But I have seen the destination and think it will be worth it.’I cut off about the last 5 1/2” of colored hair this weekend. And today, I stand here at the destination. And guess what? It was DEFINITELY worth it. I am so happy I made the decision as I love my silver and being comfortable in my own skin. And my two colleagues were right, at 48, I’m done before I turned 50!”
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