20 Times People Shared What “Cheat Codes” Actually Worked For Them
Everyone loves those life hacks that are effective and make their life easier. However, the internet is filled with fake hacks that usually lead to disappointments.
That’s why, the Redditors bacongobbler and Lurial decided to ask people to share a list of useful “cheat codes” that actually work. Scroll below to read some of those interesting life hacks that might end up being useful.
Image source: cbexton, Jornada Produtora
Never bring anything in to work. That way, when you leave (ie, earlier than usual) it doesn’t look like you’re leaving for the day.
Image source: thejesusfinger, 99.films
if you gently rock back and forth while pooping it will take significantly less time and make it easier to pass more “troublesome” movements. Best. Lifehack. Ever
Image source: hxcloud99, Towfiqu barbhuiya
Babywipes for the bathroom. Seriously, your life will be +1.
Image source: AmbitionOfPhilipJFry, Patrick Amoy
Secretaries, tech support and janitors are the true power in office buildings. Make friends, remember birthdays and you can get anything you need or go anywhere you need.
Image source: hxcloud99, Gabrielle Henderson
Shut the f**k up.
Wait for the lawyer.
Image source: Lurial, John Smit
Turn it off, then on again.
Image source: Thedarkfallenone, Ayo Ogunseinde
If you are quitting something e.g. smoking, drinking etc. Everytime you feel the urge to do said addiction : Go for a run, do 20 sit ups, 20 push ups etc. This way you can start to associate exercise with quitting and you get fitter the more you quit which can make you feel better
Image source: hxcloud99, Priscilla Du Preez
Try to put yourself in as many socially awkward situations as possible. You will be desensitized to it which makes you more outgoing.
Image source: MrCassiBro , Nancy Hughes
When you go to a restaurant where they bring you your drink in a cup/glass, ask for no ice or for ice on the side. Often what they do is load your drink with ice so that it seems as if there’s more in there, especially at bars
Image source: hxcloud99, Bluewater Sweden
When you’re giving a presentation, bring a bottle of water up to the podium. If you find yourself in a spot where you blank, taking a drink will allow you to gather your thoughts. Nobody will be the wiser.
Image source: north0, rupixen.com
When you buy something online, you usually get a chance to enter a promo code before you purchase.
Google the promo codes.
They’re out there – you can get anything from free shipping to 25% off the purchase.
Image source: DysenteryFairy, Joseph Frank
When commenting on something, whether it be reddit, facebook, etc. finish typing your comment, stop, re-read it twice and then ask yourself what you are trying to accomplish with said comment before posting
Image source: Weebles_Wobble, Stephani Spitzer
If you spill any liquid that will stain on your carpet (red wine, juice, etc), pour some salt on it. Work it into the carpet – just rub it in with your hands. Leave it there for a few hours (for serious stains, up to a day) and vacuum it out. Voila, stain gone.
Image source: Goldsie, Ashley Piszek
Talk to everyone like you would your best mate, and smile.
Image source: hxcloud99, charlesdeluvio
When you have forgotten someone’s name, simply say : “I’m sorry, but what was your name one more time.” They may act offended, but when they give you their first name you simply reply “No, I meant your last name.” (more socially acceptable to forget).
Bingo. First and last names.
Image source: anon, Jake Goossen
Avoid forgetting something in the morning by placing it in your shoes. (works best if you wear the same pair every day.)
Image source: anon, Conscious Design
Learn to cook. You will save money, eat better and feel better. If you are terrible at cooking, there is only one way to get better…cook. Think of cooking not as a chore, but as something that is fun and that brings joy to other people and to yourself. If you live alone, invest in some nice pyrex containers, put a few portions in the freezer, a few in the fridge.
Image source: Lurial, charlesdeluvio
Buy things out of season, this can save you money. Unless its food, then buy it in season
Image source: hxcloud99, Christian Erfurt
Cut negative people out of your life.
Image source: hxcloud99, Kateryna Hliznitsova
If you have crushing chest pain, call 911 first. Then chew some aspirin. I work in cardiology.
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