25 Of The World’s Best Drone Photos Of 2018
Every year photographers from all over the world compete in the annual drone photography competition organized by SkyPixel. The participants compete in two main categories, video and photography, and the winners receive over $12,000 worth of photography gear. This year German photographer Deryk Baumgärtner’s photo of the Saint Michael’s Mount won the grand prize in the photography category, and it’s not hard to see why – his photo will take your breath away.
In an interview with Bored Panda, Deryk said it was an unbelievable feeling to win the Grand Prize. The humble photographer said he did not even expect to make it to the top 100. Even though the photographer has been interested in aerial photography for many years, it was Deryk’s first time entering the SkyPixel competition.
Check out Deryk’s photo and the winners of other categories in the gallery below!
h/t: Bored Panda
#1 People’s Choice Prize, “Red Train”
Image source: sebastianmzh
#2 Grand Prize Winner, “Mont Saint Michel”
Image source: Deryk Baumgärtner
#3 Third Prize Winner In Fun Category, “花瓣雨”
Image source: 邱 会宁
#4 First Prize Winner In Fun Category, “Flowers On The Water”
Image source: Khánh Phan
#5 Second Prize Winner In Architecture Category, “Bagan”
Image source: Witold Ziomek
#6 People’s Choice Prize, “Kyiv Monuments”
Image source: Ristenko Segiy
#7 People’s Choice Prize, “Infinity Road: Summer vs. Winter”
Image source: Michal Sadowski
#8 People’s Choice Prize, “双栖”
Image source: Dawood
#9 Second Prize Winner In Fun Category, “Burden Salt Harvest”
Image source: TuấnNguyễn
#10 Nominated Entry, “National Library Of Kosovo”
Image source: Agon Nimani
#11 Nominated Entry, “Two”
Image source: Baltskars
#12 First Prize Winner In Nature Category, “Hungry Hippos”
Image source: Martin Sanchez
#13 People’s Choice Prize, “Stein Eriksen Residences”
Image source: Mauro Pagliai
#14 First Prize Winner In Architecture Category, “Not A Small HK Island”
Image source: Panvelvet
#15 Nominated Entry, “Summit For The Team, Mont Blanc”
Image source: Mathis Dumas
#16 People’s Choice Prize, “Lofoten”
Image source: 圆猪笔
#17 First Prize Winner In Sport Category, “Running Through The Sand Dunes”
Image source: Trung Pham
#18 Nominated Entry, “There Is A Precise Point Up There In The Sky Where The Mountains Almost Seem To Pose”
Image source: Andrea Giumelli
#19 Third Prize Winner In Nature Category, “Nature Engraving”
Image source: 王 汉冰
#20 People’s Choice Prize, “至所未知”
Image source: 李珩
#21 Third Prize Winner In Architecture Category, “日照新葡京”
Image source: 吖震
#22 People’s Choice Prize, “Stein Eriksen Residences”
Image source: Alan Blakely
#23 Second Prize Winner In Sport Category, “Shadow Skier #5”
Image source: oberschneider.com
#24 Third Prize Winner In Sport Category, “Throwing It To The Moon”
Image source: Taavi Purtsak
#25 Nominated Entry, “Wake Up”
Image source: Petra Leary
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